
Scientometrična analiza znanstvenih objav s področja fizioterapije : diplomsko delo
ID Kastrin, Alja Nike (Author), ID Žibert, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kovačič, Tine (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Obseg znanstvenih objav se z leti povečuje. Poglobljen pregled izbranega področja raziskovanja (npr. priprava seznama najproduktivnejših avtorjev, držav ali raziskovalnih tematik) je zato z uporabo ročnih tehnik preiskovanja bibliografskih podatkovnih zbirk nemogoč. Alternativo ponuja scientometrija. Na področju fizioterapije je bilo do sedaj narejenih nekaj scientometričnih analiz, vendar je njihova glavna pomanjkljivost, da bodisi niso upoštevale vseh relevantnih bibliografskih zbirk, bodisi so bile pri uporabi metod zelo specifične. Namen: Izdelati smo želeli poglobljeno scientometrično analizo znanstvenih objav s področja fizioterapije. Metode: Bibliografske zapise s področja fizioterapije smo pridobili iz treh bibliografskih zbirk: (i) Web of Science, (ii) Scopus in (iii) MEDLINE/PubMed. Omejili smo se le na zapise v angleščini. Pripravili smo korpus 18.493 bibliografskih zapisov s področja fizioterapije. V analizi smo uporabili tri vrste scientometričnih tehnik: analizo sodelovanj, analizo socitiranosti ter analizo ključnih besed. Zgradili smo omrežja sodelovanj med avtorji, socitiranosti znanstvenih objav in sopojavnosti ključnih besed. Rezultati: Rezultati kažejo na trend naraščanja števila znanstvenih objav na področju fizioterapije. Največje število člankov na področju fizioterapije je objavila J. Fritz (Združene države Amerike). Po številu sodelovanj najbolj izstopa N. Foster (Velika Britanija), ki sodeluje kar s 175 avtorji. Najpogosteje citiran je članek Physiotherapy for tension-type headache: A controlled study, ki so ga napisali P. Torelli in sodelavci s sodelavci (2004). Po številu objav s področja fizioterapije izstopa revija Physical Therapy. Glede na število objavljenih člankov po državah prvo mesto zasedajo Združene države Amerike. Najpogosteje obravnavane raziskovalne tematike se osredotočajo na bolečine v križu, možgansko kap, ocenjevanje v fizioterapiji in z dokazi podprto prakso. Razprava in zaključek: Opravljeno delo ponuja celosten vpogled v razvoj in trenutno stanje raziskav na področju fizioterapije, kar je ključnega pomena za nadaljnje raziskave. V analizo bi bilo v prihodnje smiselno vključiti tudi članke iz bibliografske zbirke PEDro. Po dostopni literaturi je opravljeno delo prvi celovit in metodološko kompleksen pregled objav na področju fizioterapije.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, scientometrična analiza, analiza omrežij, tehnologije znanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. N. Kastrin]
Number of pages:67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160525 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205841667 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.08.2024
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Title:Scientometric analysis of scientific publications in physiotherapy : diploma work
Introduction: The number of scientific publications has been increasing over the years. An in-depth review of a selected field of research (e.g., making a list of the most productive authors or research topics) is therefore impossible using manual techniques for searching bibliographical databases. Scientometrics offers an alternative. A few scientometric analyses have been carried out in the field of physiotherapy, but their main drawback is that they have either not taken into account all the relevant bibliographical databases or have been very specific in the application of the methods. Purpose: We wanted to perform an in-depth scientometric analysis of scientific publications in the field of physiotherapy. Methods: Bibliographic records in the field of physiotherapy were retrieved from three bibliographical databases: (i) Web of Science, (ii) Scopus and (iii) MEDLINE/PubMed. We compiled a corpus of 18 493 bibliographic records in the field of physiotherapy. Three types of scientometric techniques were used in the analysis: co-authorship, co-citation, and keyword analysis. We constructed networks of collaboration between authors, co-citation of scientific publications and co-occurrence of keywords. Results: The results show an increasing trend in the number of scientific publications in physiotherapy. The highest number of papers in physiotherapy is published by J. Fritz (United States). The most prolific author in terms of the number of collaborations is N. Foster (United Kingdom), with 175 authors. The most frequently cited article is Physiotherapy for tension-type headache: A controlled study by P. Torelli et al (2004). Physical Therapy is the leading journal in terms of the number of publications in the field of physiotherapy. In terms of the number of articles published worldwide, the United States ranks first. The most frequently discussed research topics focus on low back pain, stroke, assessment in physiotherapy, and evidence-based practice. Discussion and conclusion: This work provides a comprehensive insight into the development and current state of research in physiotherapy, which is crucial for further research. Further work should include articles from the PEDro database. According to the available research evidence, the present work is the first comprehensive and methodologically complex bibliometric review of publications in the field of physiotherapy.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, scientometric analysis, network analysis, knowledge technologies

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