
Pogled študentov socialnega dela na strelske napade v šolskem okolju
ID Drofenik, Zala (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje pogleda študentk socialnega dela na strelske napade v šolskem okolju, vzroke in posledice travmatičnega dogodka in preventivne ukrepe za preprečevanje izrednih razmer. V teoretičnem delu obravnavam vlogo socialnega dela v izrednih razmerah ter v vzgoji in izobraževanju, definiram pojav nasilja, vzroke in posledice strelskih napadov ter teoretični uvod zaključim s predstavitvijo preventivnih ukrepov za preprečevanje strelskih napadov v šolskem okolju. Empirični del raziskave temelji na sedmih intervjujih s študentkami dodiplomskega študija Fakultete za socialno delo Univerze v Ljubljani. Analiza empiričnega gradiva kaže, da študentke socialnega dela izpostavljajo pomanjkanje preventivnih programov kot ključen dejavnik za pojav strelskih napadov v šolskem okolju. Med glavne vzroke za strelske napade navajajo vpliv družine, vrstnikov in sodobnih medijev. Posledice strelskih napadov obsegajo širok spekter človeškega življenja, med katerimi izstopajo občutek strahu in anksioznosti, izguba občutka varnosti v okolju in soočanje s travmo. Raziskava izpostavlja, da je stroka socialnega dela v multidisciplinarnem sistemu podpore in pomoči pogosto spregledana, kar pa predstavlja za reševanje izrednih razmer temeljni manko, če želimo delno ali v celoti preprečiti njihov nastanek. Z raziskavo sem spoznala, da imajo na otroke in mladostnike v času adolescence velik vpliv profesorji, vrstniki in sodobni mediji, ki usmerjajo njihovo vedenje ter potencialno prispevajo k razvoju težav v duševnem zdravju, kar vodi do radikalnih odzivov, kot je strelski napad v šolskem okolju.

Keywords:socialno delo, izredne razmere, nasilje, strelski napad, podpora
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160500 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A social work perspective on school shootings
In my graduation bachelor thesis, I focused on the research of social work students' perspectives on school shooting attacks, the causes and consequences of the traumatic incident and preventive measures to prevent emergency situations. In the theoretical part, I discuss the role of social work in extreme circumstance and in education, define the phenomenon of violence, the causes and consequences of shooting attacks. I conclude the theoretical introduction with a presentation of preventive measures to prevent shooting attacks in school environments. The empirical part of the research is based on seven interviews with undergraduate students at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana. The analysis of the empirical material shows that female social work students point to the lack of prevention programmes as a key factor in the occurrence of shooting attacks in the school environment. They cite the influence of family, peers and media as the main causes of shooting attacks. The consequences of shooting attacks cover a broad spectrum of human life, including feelings of fear and anxiety, loss of a sense of safety and exposure with trauma. The research highlights that the social work profession is often overlooked in the multidisciplinary system of support and assistance, which is a fundamental deficiency for dealing with extreme circumstances. Through my research, I have come to realise that children during adolescence are greatly influences by teachers, peers and modern media, which direct their behaviour and potentially contribute to the development of mental health problems, leading to radical responses such as shooting attack in a school environment.

Keywords:social work, extreme circumstances, violence, shooting attack, support

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