
Pari in njihovo soočanje z neplodnostjo
ID Brumnik, Nuša (Author), ID Rakovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DD477BDE7BFEC7F136A1ADC6E359D292

V magistrskem delu raziskujem, kako se pari soočajo z neplodnostjo. Osredotočam se na njihovo doživljanje izkušnje, raziskujem pa tudi, kako se je partnerski odnos v času izkušnje spreminjal. Zanimajo me različne oblike podpore in pomoči, ki so jih pari prejeli med soočanjem z izkušnjo neplodnosti. V teoretičnem delu opredeljujem štiri glavne teme, in sicer neplodnost, doživljanje neplodnosti, neplodnost in partnerski odnos ter pomoč in podpora neplodnim parom. Vsaka izmed tem ima tudi svoja podpoglavja. V empiričnem delu raziskave sem s kvalitativno analizo osmih intervjujev parov, ki so se ali pa se še soočajo z izkušnjo neplodnosti, skušala raziskati, kako doživljajo izkušnjo neplodnosti vključno z zdravljenjem neplodnosti, katere spremembe prinese neplodnost, kako se skozi izkušnjo neplodnosti spreminja partnerski odnos in katere oblike podpore in pomoči so v tem času prejeli. Rezultate predstavljam v naslednjih tematskih sklopih: proces odločanja za otroka, doživljanje neplodnosti, izkušnja z zdravljenjem neplodnosti, spremembe ob izkušnji neplodnosti, družbeni pritiski in pričakovanja, neplodnost kot tabu tema, partnerski odnos na splošno, partnerski odnos skozi izkušnjo neplodnosti, pogovori o neplodnosti, oblike podpore in pomoči s strani bližnjih, strokovne oblike podpore in pomoči, želene oblike podpore in pomoči ter prispevek podpore in pomoči k izkušnji neplodnosti. S pomočjo raziskave ugotavljam, da je neplodnost izkušnja, ki prizadene par v celoti, je pa izkušnja veliko težja in obremenjujoča za ženske. Izkušnja prinese tudi mnogo sprememb, pridejo negativna čustva, veliko je prilagajanja izkušnji ter zdravljenju, manj je sproščenosti in več razmišljanja o načrtovanju življenja. Pari so se med izkušnjo srečevali s pritiski in pričakovanji s strani različnih oseb, kar je še dodatno poglobilo njihovo stisko. Partnerski odnos parov se je med izkušnjo neplodnosti razvijal v pozitivno smer, njihov odnos pa se je poglobil. Med soočanjem z izkušnjo neplodnosti sta se osebi v partnerskem odnosu medsebojno podpirali, deležni pa sta bili tudi podpore in pomoči družine in prijateljev, nekateri so prejemali tudi strokovno pomoč. Prejeta pomoč je parom omogočila lažje sprejemanje izkušnje, verjeli so v pozitiven rezultat in z upanjem so se borili naprej.

Keywords:neplodnost, pari, doživljanje neplodnosti, pritiski in pričakovanja, podpora in pomoč
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160495 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Title:Couples and their coping with infertility
This master's thesis investigates how couples cope with infertility, emphasizing their lived experiences and the evolution of their partner relationships throughout this journey. Additionally, it explores the various forms of support and assistance couples receive during their struggle with infertility. The theoretical framework identifies four central themes: infertility, the experience of infertility, the impact on the partner relationship, and support and help for infertile couples. Each theme is elaborated upon in dedicated sub-chapters. The empirical research component employs qualitative analysis of eight interviews with couples who have faced or are currently facing infertility. The study aims to understand their experiences with infertility and infertility treatments, the changes these experiences bring, the transformation of their partner relationships, and the support and help they have received. The findings are presented under several themes: the decision-making process regarding having a child, the experience of infertility and its treatment, changes induced by infertility, societal pressures and expectations, infertility as a taboo, the general state of the partner relationship, discussions about infertility, and various forms of support and help from loved ones and professionals, including desired forms and their impact. The research reveals that infertility profoundly affects couples, with women experiencing greater difficulty and stress. The ordeal introduces significant changes, negative emotions, frequent adjustments to the experience and treatments, decreased relaxation, and increased focus on life planning. Couples also face added distress from societal pressures and expectations. Despite these challenges, their relationships often grow stronger and deeper through the infertility experience. Support from partners, family, friends, and professionals plays a crucial role in helping couples accept their situation, maintain hope, and continue striving for a positive outcome.

Keywords:infertility, couples, experiencing infertility, pressures and expectations, support and help

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