
Pomen medgeneracijskega centra DANica za uporabnike v občini Rače-Fram
ID Šmid, Melita (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala pomen delovanja medgeneracijskega centra DANica Rače – Fram za uporabnike v občini Rače – Fram. Na začetku sem obravnavala pogled na starost in staranje, teorije o starosti ter staranju, analizirala staranje prebivalstva v Sloveniji in občini Rače – Fram. Opisala sem potrebe starih ljudi in prikazala osnovne potrebe po Maslowu. Opredelila sem medgeneracijsko sodelovanje, pomen medgeneracijskega centra, opisala splošno delovanje, cilje medgeneracijskega centra DANica Rače – Fram. Na populaciji uporabnikov medgeneracijskega centra DANica Rače – Fram sem izvedla anketo. Z analizo anketnega vprašalnika sem ugotovila, da se uporabniki vključujejo v aktivnosti medgeneracijskega centra, predvsem zaradi druženja, učenja in same vsebine aktivnosti. Uporabnikom veliko pomeni delovanje medgeneracijskega centra v občini Rače – Fram. Menijo, da sodelovanje v medgeneracijskem centru ustrezno vpliva na njihovo zdravje. Spoznali so nove ljudi, imajo bolj pozitiven odnos do življenja, zapolnijo si svoj vsakdanjik, počutijo se izpolnjeno, koristno, pozitivno, veselo, njihovo življenje v tem obdobju je dobilo drugačno kakovost. V prihodnje si prizadevajo vsaj takšno delovanje centra, kot je bilo do sedaj in nočejo velikih sprememb. Radi pa bi imeli večji prostor za aktivnosti, dovoz za ljudi z ovirami oz. lažji dostop za tiste, ki težje hodijo. Na nepredvidenem in priložnostnem vzorcu osmih uporabnikov sem izvedla fokusno skupino, da bi dobila bolj poglobljene opise razlogov za obiskovanje in učinke obiskov. Uporabniki so povedali, da je medgeneracijski center postal za njih prostor druženja in sodelovanja, številnih aktivnosti in uresničevanja novih idej. Menijo, da je naravnan k zdravemu načinu življenja, cenjenju in spoštovanju posameznika, družabnemu ter kulturnemu življenju; predvsem pa medgeneracijskemu povezovanju, bogatenju in učenju.

Keywords:medgeneracijski center, medgeneracijsko sodelovanje, starost, staranje, potrebe starih ljudi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160492 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of the DANica intergenerational center for users in the municipality od Rače-Fram
In my master´s thesis, I researched the importance of the DANica Rače – Fram intergenerational center for the users in the municipality of Rače – Fram. In the initial part, I first presented the view of age and aging, theories about age and aging, and presented the aging of the population in Slovenia and the municipality of Rače – Fram. I described the needs of old people, presented the basic needs according to Maslow. I defined intergenerational cooperation, the importance of the intergenerational center, described the general operation and goals of the DANica Rače – Fram intergenerational center. I carried out a survey with the population of users of the DANica Rače – Fram intergenerational centre. Through the analysis of the survey questionnaire, I found that the users get involved in the activities of the intergenerational center mainly for socializing, learning, and the content of the activity itself. The operation of the intergenerational center in the Rače – Fram municipality means a lot to them. They believe that participation in the intergenerational center has a good effect on their health. They met new people, have a more positive attitude towards life, fill their everyday life, feel fulfilled, useful, positive, happy, life in this period acquired a different quality. In the future, they want at least the same operation of the center as it was until now, they do not want big changes. But they want a bigger space for activities, a driveway for the disabled or easier access for those who have difficulty walking. I conducted a focus group on a non-random and convenience sample of eight users in order to get more in-depth descriptions of the reasons for visiting and the effects. The users said that the intergenerational center has become a place for them to socialize and collaborate; to have many activities and possibility to realize new ideas. They believe that it is geared towards a healthy way of life, appreciation and respect for the individual, social and cultural life; but above all to intergenerational connection, enrichment and learning.

Keywords:: intergenerational center, intergenerational cooperation, oldness, senescence, needs of old people

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