
Poučevanje o dinarskokraški pokrajini z ustvarjalnim gibom v 5. razredu osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID La Cognata, Emanuela (Author), ID Hergan, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Geršak, Vesna (Comentor)

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V petem razredu osnovne šole se učenci pri predmetu družba učijo o dinarskokraški pokrajini. Pri pisanju magistrskega dela me je vodilo vprašanje, ali lahko pri poučevanju tega učnega sklopa uporabimo pristop ustvarjalnega giba. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila, kaj ustvarjalni gib sploh je, kakšni so vplivi njegove uporabe ter kakšne načine ustvarjalnega giba poznamo. Pregledala in zapisala sem, kaj predvideva učni načrt pri predmetu družba, da sem lahko povezala ustvarjalni gib z geografskimi vsebinami. Opredelila sem dinarskokraško pokrajino z vidika lege, površja in prsti, podnebja, vodovja, rastlinstva in živalstva, poselitve, gospodarstva in kulturne dediščine. Dinarskokraške pojme sem razdelila na površinske in podzemeljske. V empiričnem delu sem s kvalitativnim in kvantitativnim raziskovalnim pristopom ugotavljala, s katerim naborom dejavnosti z ustvarjalnim gibom lahko poučujemo o dinarskokraški pokrajini. Poučevala sem v 5. razredu osnovne šole; pri raziskavi je sodelovalo 22 učencev. S poučevanjem sem ugotovila, da se učenci sproščeno odzivajo oziroma da se dobro počutijo pri pouku z ustvarjalnim gibom. Najbolj priljubljen način ustvarjalnega giba so bile gibalne izmišljarije. Rezultati analize geografskih skic pred in po obravnavani učni enoti so pokazali razlike v napredovanju znanja učencev; ti so v skici po obravnavi učne snovi imeli višje povprečje skiciranih pojmov. Najbolj so napredovali pri vsebinah o živalstvu ter površju, in sicer pri podzemeljskih kraških pojavih. S preverjanjem znanja takoj po obravnavani učni enoti in en mesec kasneje sem ugotovila, da se je znanje učencev, pridobljeno z ustvarjalnim gibom, ohranilo dalj časa. Po enem mesecu so najbolj napredovali v kartografskem znanju. Raziskava je namenjena temu, da učitelje spodbudi k uporabi gibanja, sploh v sodobnem sedentarnem načinu življenja. Učitelje želim pozvati k raziskovanju različnih tem z ustvarjalnim gibom z namenom razvijanja celostnega učenja pri učencih.

Keywords:Ustvarjalni gib, dinarskokraška pokrajina, Slovenija, kras, osnovna šola, gibalna vzgoja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:E. La Cognata
Number of pages:121 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160484 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206468867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching About the Dinaric Karst Landscape through Creative Movement in Grade 5 of Primary School
In the fifth grade of primary school students learn about the Dinaric Karst landscapes during the subject geography. In my master's thesis I was interested in whether we can use the creative movement approach when teaching this course. In the theoretical part I would define what creative movement is, what are the effects of its use, and what types of creative movement we are familiar with. I reviewed and wrote down what the curriculum for the subject geography provides so that I could connect the creative movement with geographical content. I have defined the Dinaric Karst landscapes from the following points of view: location, surface and soil, climate, waterways, flora and fauna, settlement, economy, and cultural heritage. Finally, I have divided the Dinaric Karst concepts into surface phenomena and underground phenomena. In the empirical part I used qualitative and quantitative research approach to investigate which set of activities incorporating creative movement can be used to teach about the Dinaric Karst landscapes. I have held the course in the primary school’s 5th grade where 22 students participated. Through teaching I have found out that students responded in a relaxed manner and that they felt good during lessons with creative movement approach. Their favorite form of creative movement is improvised movement. The results of the analysis of the geographical sketches before and after the completed lecture has shown differences in the progress of the student's acquisition of knowledge in the set of Dinaric Karst landscape concepts. The sketches presented by students after the lecture have shown an elevated mean of the drawn geographical concepts. Most progress has been made in terms of fauna and the surface, namely underground karst phenomena. Correspondingly I have tested the student’s knowledge through a writing exam performed immediately after the lecture and another one following a month after. The results have shown that the student’s knowledge acquired through the creative movement approach has been preserved for a long period. The latter exam has shown that most progress has been made in the cartography section. This research is intended to encourage teachers to use creative movement techniques especially in modern sedentary lifestyle. I aspire to encourage teachers to explore different topics with this approach and develop holistic learning in children.

Keywords:Creative movement, Dinaric Karst landscapes, Slovenia, karst, primary school

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