
Samostojnost učencev tretjega razreda pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih opravil in domačih nalog : magistrsko delo
ID Ušaj, Martina (Author), ID Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava samostojnost učenk in učencev pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih opravil in šolskih nalog. Teoretični del vključuje opredelitev samostojnosti, opis dejavnikov, ki prispevajo k razvoju samostojnosti, značilnosti razvoja samostojnosti otrok v vsakodnevnem življenju in pri šolskem delu in nekaj priporočil za spodbujanje samostojnosti otrok. V empiričnem delu smo se usmerili na raziskovanje samostojnosti učencev treh oddelkov tretjega razreda pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih opravil (preoblačenje, umivanje, prehranjevanje, spanje, odhod/prihod v šolo, organizacija in preživljanje prostega časa) in pri domačih nalogah (npr. priprava šolskih potrebščin, reševanje domačih nalog). V raziskavo smo vključili 60 učencev iz ene od ljubljanskih osnovnih šol, ki so poročali o svoji samostojnosti. O tem pa so poročale tudi njihove tri učiteljice. Vsi učenci so izpolnili anketni vprašalnik, s šestimi učenci ter tremi učiteljicami pa smo izvedli tudi intervju. Večina učencev je v intervjuju poročala, da so pri opravljanju vsakdanjih opravil (npr. pri pripravi ter oblačenju oblačil, oblačenju bunde, zavezovanju vezalk, tuširanju) in pri pripravi šolske torbe in potrebščin ter pisanju domačih nalog samostojni. Najmanj polovica intervjuvanih učencev je odgovorila, da niso samostojni pri pripravi zajtrka, prihodu in odhodu iz šole ter pri organizaciji in preživljanju prostega časa. Skoraj vsi intervjuvani učenci so poročali, da niso samostojni pri odhodu v posteljo (izbiranje ure odhoda), čeprav vsi učenci spijo v svojih posteljah. Večina intervjuvanih učencev je bila pri opravljanju dveh domačih nalog nesamostojna. Z anketnimi vprašalniki z učenci smo ugotovili, da je bila večina od njih pri opravljanju dveh domačih nalog večinoma samostojna, pri učenju pesmice pa nekoliko bolj kot pri opazovanju gozda. Tisti učenci, ki so pri opravljanju domačih nalog dobili pomoč, so jo prejeli predvsem s strani staršev. Med dekleti in fanti večinoma nismo ugotovili statistično pomembnih razlik v njihovem samostojnem opravljanju obeh domačih nalog. Dve od treh učiteljic sta v intervjujih povedali, da večino učencev na splošno zaznavata kot samostojno, ena pa, da se ji učenci še ne zdijo povsem samostojni. Učiteljice so samostojnost učencev prepoznavale predvsem v njihovem samostojnem opravljanju vsakodnevnih opravil, v samooceni učencev, da so zmožni izvajati določena opravila, v njihovem samostojnem iskanju pomoči in rešitev, ko jo potrebujejo. Vse tri učiteljice so odgovorile, da učence postopno, z različnimi aktivnostmi ter načrtno navajajo na samostojnost. Rezultati raziskave omogočajo vpogled v stopnjo samostojnosti pri učencih tretjih razredov, učitelji, starši in drugi, ki se z učenci ukvarjajo, pa lahko na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov še bolj ozavestijo, na katerih področjih je učence smiselno spodbujati k njihovi samostojnosti.

Keywords:otroci, samostojnost, vzgoja, šola, učitelji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:M. Ušaj
Number of pages:71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160479 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206255107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Independence of the third graders in the completion of daily tasks and homework
The master's thesis focuses on the independence of pupils in their daily tasks and schoolwork. The theoretical part includes a definition of independence, a description of the factors contributing to the development of independence, the characteristics of the development of children's independence in everyday life and in schoolwork, and some recommendations to promote children's independence. In the empirical part, we focused on exploring the independence of pupils in three third-grade classes in performing everyday tasks (dressing, washing, eating, sleeping, going/coming to school, organising and spending leisure time) and homework (e.g. preparing school supplies, solving homework problems). We included 60 pupils from one of the Ljubljana primary schools who reported on their independence. Three of their teachers also reported on this topic. All students completed a questionnaire and six students and three teachers were interviewed. Most of the pupils interviewed reported that they were independent when doing everyday tasks (e.g. preparing and putting on clothes, putting on jackets, tying shoelaces, taking showers) and when preparing their school bag and supplies and writing homework. At least half of the pupils interviewed said that they were not independent when preparing breakfast, coming and going from school, and organising and spending their free time. Almost all pupils interviewed reported that they are not independent when going to bed (choosing the bedtime), although all pupils sleep in their own beds. Most of the students interviewed were not independent when doing two homework tasks. The questionnaires with the pupils showed that most of them were mostly independent when doing the two homework tasks, but slightly more so when they were learning the song than when observing the forest. Those pupils who received help with their homework were mainly helped by their parents. For the most part, we found no statistically significant differences between girls and boys in their independent performance on both homework tasks. Two of the three teachers interviewed said that they generally perceived most of their pupils as independent, while one said that she did not yet feel that her pupils were fully independent. The teachers perceived students' independence mainly in their ability to carry out everyday tasks independently, in their self-assessment of their ability to carry out certain tasks, and in their ability to find help and solutions when they need it. All three teachers responded that they gradually, through different activities and in a planned way, teach pupils to be independent. The results of the survey provide insights into the level of independence of third grade pupils, and teachers, parents and others who work with pupils can use the results to further understand when and where it makes sense to encourage pupils to be independent.

Keywords:children, independence, education, school, teachers

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