
Vpliv obdelave s pulzirajočim električnim poljem na dinamiko procesa izsuševanja bioloških tkiv
ID Mahnič, Jaša (Author), ID Mahnič-Kalamiza, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava vpliv predobdelave bioloških tkiv s pulzirajočim električnim poljem (PEF) na dinamiko njihovega izsuševanja. Cilj raziskave je preveriti, ali lahko PEF pospeši proces sušenja bioloških tkiv, kar bi vodilo k učinkovitejši proizvodnji dehidriranih živil z manjšo porabo energije. PEF se uporablja za povečanje prepustnosti celičnih membran, kar omogoča hitrejšo difuzijo vode in drugih molekul iz tkiva med sušenjem. V okviru raziskave so bili izvedeni eksperimenti na vzorcih krompirja in piščančjih prsi, ki so bili izpostavljeni različnim napetostim in številu pulzov. Rezultati so pokazali, da predobdelava s PEF znatno vpliva na dinamiko sušenja krompirja, medtem ko pri piščančjih prsih ni bilo opaziti pomembnih razlik. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se z višjo napetostjo poveča hitrost sušenja krompirja, število pulzov pa ni imelo pomembnega vpliva na izsuševanje. Študija potrjuje hipotezo, da PEF lahko pospeši sušenje rastlinskih tkiv, medtem ko na živalska tkiva nima večjega vpliva. Elektroporacija bi lahko postala ključna tehnologija pri optimizaciji procesov sušenja v živilski industriji, zlasti pri proizvodnji sušenega sadja in začimb. Študija tudi potrjuje hipotezo, da je mogoče vpliv PEF na dinamiko sušenja rastlinskega tkiva proučevati z gravimetrično metodo (tehtanjem).

Keywords:Pulzirajoče električno polje (PEF), elektroporacija, dehidracija bioloških tkiv, dinamika sušenja, prepustnost celične membrane, gravimetrična analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160478 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205692931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Title:Influence of pulsed electric field treatment on the kinetics of the drying process of biological tissue(s)
The thesis addresses the impact of pre-treatment of biological tissues with pulsed electric field (PEF) on the dynamics of their dehydration. The aim of the research is to determine whether PEF can accelerate the drying process of biological tissues, leading to more efficient production of dehydrated foods with lower energy consumption. PEF is used to increase the permeability of cell membranes, which allows faster diffusion of water and other molecules from the tissue during drying. In this research, experiments were conducted on samples of potatoes and chicken breasts, which were exposed to different voltages and numbers of pulses. The results showed that pre-treatment with PEF significantly affects the drying dynamics of potatoes, while no significant differences were observed in chicken breasts. It was found that higher voltage increases the drying rate of potatoes, but the number of pulses did not have a significant impact on dehydration. The study confirms the hypothesis that PEF can accelerate the drying of plant tissues, while it does not have a major impact on animal tissues. Electroporation could become a key technology in optimizing drying processes in the food industry, especially in the production of dried fruits and spices. The study also confirms the hypothesis that the effect of PEF on the drying dynamics of plant tissue can be studied using the gravimetric method (weighing).

Keywords:Pulsed electric field (PEF), electroporation, biological tissue dehydration, drying dynamics, cell membrane permeabilioty, gravimetric analysis

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