
Vloga terapevtskega psa pri motiviranju učencev v razredu : magistrsko delo
ID Cestnik, Nina (Author), ID Juriševič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem obravnavala vlogo terapevtskega psa pri motiviranju učencev v razredu. Namen magistrskega dela je bil s študijem domače in tuje literature ter s pomočjo empirične raziskave ugotoviti, kako prisotnost terapevtskega psa pri pouku vpliva na učence, na motivacijo učencev za šolsko učenje, na razredno klimo, na učence z različnimi učnimi sposobnostmi ter na terapevtske pse. Namen je bil tudi raziskati, kako poteka sodelovanje med starši, šolo, učitelji in vodniki terapevtskih psov, in izpostaviti primere dobre prakse ter izzive pri vključevanju terapevtskih psov v pouk. V teoretičnem delu sem razložila osnovne značilnosti motivacije in načine, na katere lahko učence spodbudimo, da bodo bolj motivirani. Prav tako sem izpostavila pozitivne vplive terapevtskih psov pri pouku in njihovo vlogo pri motiviranju učencev. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila izvedeno empirično raziskavo na osnovi fenomenološkega pristopa. S pomočjo tehnike delno strukturiranih intervjujev, ki sem jih opravila s tremi vodnicami terapevtskega psa, štirimi strokovnimi delavkami in štirimi strokovnimi delavkami, ki so hkrati tudi vodnice terapevtskega psa, sem dobila poglobljen vpogled v pozitivne plati in izzive vključevanja terapevtskih psov v pouk. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo terapevtski psi v vzgojno-izobraževalnem procesu motivacijsko vlogo. Učence motivirajo za opravljanje šolskih dejavnosti, za branje in za opravljanje domačih nalog. Prisotnost terapevtskega psa učence pomirja, jih sprosti in jih čustveno podpira. Psi učencev ne sodijo in jih brezpogojno sprejemajo, zato lahko pozitivno vplivajo na njihovo samozavest. Pozitivno vplivajo tudi na razredno klimo, saj učence spodbujajo k večji povezanosti in sodelovanju. Pri vključevanju terapevtskih psov v pouk pa se pojavijo tudi nekateri izzivi. Učenci so lahko na psa alergični ali se ga bojijo, med njimi pa se lahko razvije tekmovalnost. Pri vključevanju terapevtskega psa v pouk je treba upoštevati pravila, ki zagotovijo varnost vseh udeležencev. Izziv se pojavi tudi zaradi pomanjkanja terapevtskih parov, saj bi si strokovni delavci želeli terapevtske pse večkrat vključiti v pouk.

Keywords:učna motivacija, terapevtski pes, izobraževanje s pomočjo živali, osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:N. Cestnik
Number of pages:VI, 74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160477 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206259971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of a therapy dog in motivating pupils in the classroom
In the master's thesis, I examined the role of a therapy dog in motivating students in the classroom. The purpose of the master's thesis was to study domestic and foreign literature and, through empirical research, determine how the presence of a therapy dog in the classroom affects students. It explores the impact on students' motivation for academic learning, classroom atmosphere, students with different learning abilities, and the therapy dogs themselves. The aim was also to investigate how collaboration takes place among parents, the school, teachers, and therapy dog handlers, highlighting examples of good practice and challenges in integrating therapy dogs into schools. In the theoretical part, I explained the basic characteristics of motivation and ways to encourage students to be more motivated. I also highlighted the positive effects of therapy dogs in the classroom and their role in motivating students. In the empirical part, I presented the conductive empirical research based on a phenomenological approach. Using partially structured interviews, which I conducted with three therapy dog handlers, four school-based professionals, and four school-based professionals that are also thereapy dog handlers, I gained an in-depth insight into the positive aspects and challenges of integrating therapy dogs into teaching. The results indicate that therapy dogs have a motivational role in the educational process. They motivate students to engage in academic activities, reading, and completing homework. The presence of a therapy dog calms and relaxes students, providing emotional support. Dogs do not judge students and unconditionally accept them, positively influencing their self-confidence. They also contribute positively to the classroom atmosphere by encouraging greater connectedness and collaboration among students. However, there are challenges in integrating therapy dogs into teaching. Some students may be allergic to or afraid of dogs, and competition among students may arise. Adherence to safety rules is essential when including therapy dogs in the classroom. Challenges also arise due to a shortage of therapy dog pairs, as educators would like to involve therapy dogs more frequently in teaching.

Keywords:learning motivation, therapy dog, animal assisted education, primary school

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