
Ortopedska obutev za bolnike s sladkorno boleznijo tipa II: vpliv na ravnotežje, kinetiko in kinematiko hoje : diplomsko delo
ID Jankovič, Patricia (Author), ID Boltežar Smuk, Edita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Levec, Tina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Ustrezna ortopedska obutev je ključnega pomena za bolnike s sladkorno boleznijo tipa II, saj lahko bistveno pripomore k preprečevanju zapletov, kot so razjede in deformacije stopal, ter izboljša splošno kakovost življenja. Pravilna izbira in uporaba ortopedske obutve lahko pomagata ohranjati ravnotežje, zmanjšujeta pritisk na občutljiva področja stopal in zagotavljata potrebno podporo med hojo. Namen: Želeli smo raziskati in primerjati različne pristope in tehnologije ortopedske oskrbe uporabnikov s sladkorno boleznijo tipa II z uporabo ustrezne ortopedske obutve in vložkov, s poudarkom na vplivu na ravnotežje, kinetiko in kinematiko hoje. Cilj je pridobiti vpogled v učinkovitost in primernost teh pristopov za izboljšanje funkcionalnosti in udobja pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa II. Metode dela: V teoretičnem delu smo s pregledom literature raziskali različne pristope ortopedske oskrbe uporabnikov s sladkorno boleznijo tipa II, pri čemer smo uporabili številne spletne podatkovne baze in knjižne vire, predvsem v angleščini. Empirični del temelji na uporabnici s sladkorno boleznijo tipa II. Pri raziskavi smo primerjali dva para po meri izdelane ortopedske obutve ter pet parov ortopedskih vložkov, ki so bili izdelani po različnih tehnologijah in iz različnih materialov. Izdelane medicinske pripomočke smo tudi testirali, predvsem smo se osredotočili na vpliv zgornje plasti vložka. Rezultati: V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da različne kombinacije po meri izdelane ortopedske obutve in vložkov bistveno vplivajo na vzorec hoje osebe s sladkorno boleznijo tipa II. Kombinacija ortopedske obutve B5, ki vsebuje najbolj prožen vložek, je zagotavljala najbolj simetrično in tekočo hojo ter izboljšano stabilnost v primerjavi z drugimi preizkušenimi kombinacijami. Poleg tega smo zaznali, da so trši materiali podplata in vložka manj primerni za starejše uporabnike, saj povzročajo krajše korake in večjo nestabilnost pri hoji. Razprava in zaključek: Tehnologija 3D-tiska in napredne rešitve umetne inteligence v medicini omogočajo razvoj prilagojenih ortoz in protez, kar bo revolucioniralo zdravljenje pacientov. V prihodnosti bodo pametni vložki in 3D-tiskana ortopedska obutev z vgrajeno umetno inteligenco analitično izboljšali kakovost življenja diabetikov in zmanjšali tveganje za zaplete. Raziskave na področju funkcionalne in estetsko sprejemljive ortopedske obutve bodo ključno prispevale k boljši oskrbi in preventivi.

Keywords:diplomska dela, ortotika in protetika, analiza hoje, 3D-tiskanje, individualno izdelani vložki, podplat obutve, testiranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Jankovič]
Number of pages:50 str., [29] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160471 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205682947 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Orthopedic footwear for patients with type II diabetes: impact on balance, gait kinetics and kinematics : diploma work
Introduction: Appropriate orthopaedic footwear is essential for patients with type II diabetes, as it can make a significant contribution to preventing complications such as foot ulcers and deformities and improving overall quality of life. The correct selection and use of orthopaedic footwear can help maintain balance, reduce pressure on sensitive areas of the feet and provide the necessary support during walking. Purpose: The aim of the thesis was to investigate and compare different approaches and technologies for the orthotic fitting of type II diabetic patients with appropriate orthopaedic footwear and insoles, focusing on the effects on balance, kinetics and kinematics of gait. The aim is to gain insight into the effectiveness and suitability of these approaches to improve functionality and comfort in type II diabetic patients. Methods: In the theoretical part of the thesis, a literature review was conducted to investigate different approaches to orthopaedic care for type II diabetic patients, using a range of online databases and literature sources, mainly in English. The empirical part of the work is based on a user with diabetes. The study compared two pairs of custom-made orthopaedic footwear and five pairs of orthopaedic insoles made with different technologies and materials. The manufactured medical devices were also tested, focusing in particular on the impact of the upper layer of the insole. Results: The results of our study show that different combinations of custom-made orthopaedic footwear and insoles have a significant impact on the walking pattern of an individual with type II diabetes. The B5 orthotic combination, which contains the most flexible insole, provides the most symmetrical and fluid gait and improves stability compared to the other combinations tested. In addition, the harder sole and insole materials are found to be less suitable for older users, as they lead to shorter strides and more instability when walking. Discussion and conclusion: 3D-printing technology and advanced artificial intelligence solutions in medicine enable the development of customised orthoses and prostheses that will revolutionise the treatment of patients. In the future, smart insoles and 3D-printed orthopaedic footwear with built-in artificial intelligence will improve the quality of life of diabetics and reduce the risk of complications. Research into functional and aesthetically acceptable orthopaedic footwear will make an important contribution to better care and prevention.

Keywords:diploma theses, orthotics and prosthetics, gait analysis, 3D printing, custom-made insoles, shoe outsole, testing

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