
Vpliv epidemije covid-19 na začete stečajne postopke nad pravnimi osebami in postopke osebnih stečajev : diplomsko delo
ID Hribar, Tia (Author), ID Nikolić, Bruno (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Živimo v času, ki se drastično spreminja in nam praktično nič ne predstavlja ovir; v času umetne inteligence, vrhunca tehnologije in hitre rasti gospodarstva. Nihče ni mogel predvideti, da nas v modernem času lahko preseneti epidemija, ki bo ta trend ustavila in celo gospodarstvo pahnila v težave. Ne samo, da je epidemija covida-19 povzročila zdravstvene težave, veliko smrtnih žrtev po vsem svetu ter zaprtje meja med državami; povzročila je tudi velike gospodarske težave, kar je mnogim gospodarskim družbam in samozaposlenim pomenilo zmanjšanje poslovanja in rasti, to pa bi lahko vodilo v prenehanje dejavnosti ali pa vsaj resen preizkus, če lahko podjetja tudi v taki situaciji delujejo ali celo postanejo močnejša. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu opisujemo stečajni postopek nad pravno osebo in postopek osebnega stečaja. Nato predstavljamo protikoronske ukrepe države, ki so bili sprejeti, ter analiziramo, kako je država v epidemiji z različnimi ukrepi podpirala pravne osebe in samostojne podjetnike. Ukrepe med seboj tudi primerjamo. V tem delu raziskave smo uporabili analizo primarnih in sekundarnih virov s področja stečajnih postopkov oz. postopkov zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju. V empiričnem delu primerjamo statistične podatke o začetih postopkih nad pravnimi osebami in postopkih osebnih stečajev ter vpliv ukrepov države na zadevne subjekte v času ukrepov za omejitev epidemije. Empirični del raziskave razkriva, da se število začetih stečajnih postopkov v proučevanem obdobju ni povečalo, k čemur so najverjetneje pripomogli tudi sprejeti ukrepi protikoronskih paketov države in uresničitev pomoči podjetnikom in samozaposlenim.

Keywords:epidemija covida-19, začeti stečajni postopki, samostojni podjetniki, samozaposleni, pravne osebe, gospodarstvo, ukrepi države, protikoronski paketi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Hribar]
Number of pages:X, 56 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160438 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205767683 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on started bankruptcy proceedings against legal entities and personal bankruptcy proceedings
We live in the time that has been changing drastically and practically nothing has presented an obstacle; in the era of artificial intelligence, the peak of technology and the rapid growth of the economy. No one could have predicted that in modern times we could be surprised by an epidemic that would stop this trend and force the entire economy into a halt. Not only the COVID-19 epidemic caused health problems, many deaths all over the world, and the closure of borders among countries; it also caused major economic problems, which for many companies and the self-employed meant a reduction in business and growth, which could lead to the cessation of activity or at least a serious test if companies could operate or become stronger even in such situation. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical part. Descriptive and comparative methods were used. The bankruptcy procedure for a legal entity and the personal bankruptcy procedure are described. We presented the measures taken by the state and analysed how the state had supported legal entities and independent entrepreneurs with various measures during the epidemic. The primary sources were presented, analysed and interpreted, and the legal basis in the field of bankruptcy proceedings and proceedings due to insolvency and forced termination were interpreted. In the empirical part, we compared statistical data on initiated proceedings against legal entities and personal bankruptcy proceedings. The aim of the theoretical work was to review the entire literature using a descriptive method. The objective of the empirical work was to compare initiated bankruptcy proceedings between sole proprietors and legal entities, and to present the state's measures and their impact on legal entities at the time of measures to limit the epidemic. Through the analysis, the purpose of the thesis was achieved, as it was established that the number of initiated bankruptcy proceedings had not increased during the mentioned period, and we could rightly conclude that the measures adopted by the state's anti-corona packages and the realization of aid to entrepreneurs and the selfemployed were indeed helpful.

Keywords:COVID-19 epidemic, initiated bankruptcy proceedings, independent entrepreneurs, self-employed, legal entities, economy, state measures, anti-corona packages

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