
Analiza sistemov financiranja visokošolskih zavodov v Sloveniji in Evropi : magistrsko delo
ID Babnik Gatej, Marija (Author), ID Stanimirović, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vezano na spremembe sistemov financiranja so novi pristopi k financiranju ob številnih izzivih in pomanjkljivostih postali del pogovorov znotraj visokošolskega prostora ter predmet več raziskav, predvsem v okviru pomena javnega visokošolskega izobraževanja, načina merjenja njegove učinkovitosti in vzdržnosti sistema v času zviševanja javnih izdatkov. Financiranje visokošolskih zavodov v slovenskem in evropskem prostoru ter ustreznost le-tega sta bila v raziskavi proučena s pomočjo pregleda domače in tuje literature, pregleda in analize zakonodajne ureditve, analize prihodkov slovenskih javnih univerz v obdobju 2018–2022 ter izvedbe poglobljenih intervjujev. Izpostavljene so bile ključne prednosti in izzivi trenutne ureditve ter podani ključni predlogi sprememb, osnovani na podlagi analize virov in prihodkov javnih univerz, ugotovitev iz opravljenih intervjujev in primerjalne analize z drugimi evropskimi državami ter trendi v evropskem prostoru. V okviru raziskave je bilo potrjeno, da predstavlja javno financiranje največji delež prihodkov slovenskih javnih univerz. Na podlagi ugotovitev je mogoče oceniti, da je trenutni sistem glede na velikost države v osnovi ustrezen, a potreben določenih sprememb/izboljšav, med drugimi prilagoditve rasti sredstev in določitve višjega ciljnega odstotka BDP ter ureditve financiranja investicij in investicijskega vzdrževanja. Ugotovitve raziskave pripomorejo k celostnemu razumevanju področja in obravnavane problematike v širšem evropskem okviru. Spodbujajo nadaljnje raziskave, saj je področje kompleksno in potrebno tako raziskovanja kot ureditve. Rezultati raziskave so lahko odločevalcem in načrtovalcem v pomoč pri iskanju novih rešitev ter pripravi sprememb trenutne ureditve, ob čemer bi bilo treba v okviru nadaljnjih raziskav pridobiti določene manjkajoče podatke univerz, proučiti implementacijo novega ZZrID in dolgoročne učinke sprememb ter obravnavati vidik odločevalcev.

Keywords:visokošolsko izobraževanje, sistemi financiranja, modeli financiranja, trendi financiranja, ZZrID, ZVis, javne univerze
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Babnik Gatej]
Number of pages:XI, 93 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160435 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205792771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of funding systems of higher education institutions in Slovenia and Europe
In light of changes in funding systems, new approaches to financing have become part of discussions within the higher education sector and the subject of numerous research studies. These studies focus particularly on the importance of public higher education, methods for measuring its effectiveness, and the sustainability of the system during periods of increasing public expenditure. The funding of higher education institutions in Slovenian and European countries, and its adequacy, were examined in this research through a review of domestic and foreign literature, an analysis of legislative frameworks, an analysis of the revenues of Slovenian public universities from 2018 to 2022, and in-depth interviews. Key advantages and challenges of the current system were highlighted, and key proposals for changes were provided based on the analysis of literature and revenues of public universities, findings from conducted interviews, and comparative analysis with other European countries and trends in the European context. This research confirmed that public funding constitutes the largest share of revenues for Slovenian public universities. Based on the findings, it can be assessed that the current system, considering the country's size, is fundamentally adequate but requires certain changes/improvements. These include adjustments for the growth of funds, setting a higher target percentage of GDP, and regulating the financing of investments and investment maintenance. The research findings contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the field and the issues addressed within a broader European framework. They encourage further research, as the field is complex and requires both research and regulation. The results of the research can aid decision-makers and planners in finding new solutions and preparing changes to the current system. Future research should aim to obtain certain missing data from universities, examine the implementation of the new Scientific Research and Innovation Activities Act and the long-term effects of changes, and address the perspective of decision-makers.

Keywords:higher education, funding systems, funding models, funding trends, ZZrID, ZVis, public universities

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