
Obremenjujoče izkušnje v otroštvu brezdomcev
ID Persi, Gaia (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Brezdomstvo je resen družbeni problem, ki ga strokovnjaki opredeljujejo na različne načine. V vseh definicijah brezdomstvo presega vidik pomanjkanja stanovanja, saj gre za izključenost na vseh področjih življenja. Obstajajo različne vrste brezdomstva, v grobem pa se delijo na štiri skupine – tisti brez strehe, brez stanovanja, z negotovim stanovanjem in z neprimernim stanovanjem. Ker nimamo centralne institucije, ki bi se ukvarjala z brezdomstvom, ga je nemogoče meriti in evidentirati, zaradi tega pa je tudi oteženo primerjanje med državami. Po nekaterih ocenah iz leta 2017 naj bi bilo v tistem času v Sloveniji nekaj manj kot 3000 brezdomcev. Na nastanek brezdomstva vplivajo številni dejavniki, ki se delijo na strukturne, institucionalne, odnosne in individualne. V svojem delu sem se osredotočila predvsem na odnosne in individualne dejavnike, saj sem raziskovala pogostost obremenilnih izkušenj v otroštvu (OIO) brezdomcev. To je izraz, ki se je vzpostavil v študiji leta 1998, ko so v Ameriki naredili prvo tako raziskavo, podobne so nato sledile po vsem svetu. V takih raziskavah se meri prisotnost desetih vrst izkušenj, ki jih posamezniki doživljajo v otroštvu in ki nanje skozi življenje pomembno vplivajo. V slovenski raziskavi so to bile naslednje izkušnje – čustveno in telesno nasilje, čustveno in telesno zanemarjanje, spolna zloraba ali nasilje, zapustitev enega od staršev, nasilje med odraslimi v gospodinjstvu, življenje z odraslim, ki ima težave v duševnem zdravju ali je zasvojen, ter življenje z odraslim, ki je v zaporu oziroma je storil hujše kaznivo dejanje. V različnih raziskavah so osnovne obremenjujoče izkušnje nekoliko drugače opredeljene, večinoma pa so si precej podobne. Osebe, ki doživljajo v otroštvu več takih izkušenj, bolj pogosto razvijejo depresijo, zasvojenosti ter nekatere kronične zdravstvene težave, dosegajo slabše rezultate v šoli ter na službenem področju od tistih, ki takih izkušenj niso doživeli. V Sloveniji so z raziskavo o prisotnosti OIO prišli do ugotovitev, da ljudje najpogosteje doživijo čustveno nasilje, fizično nasilje ter izgubo biološkega starša. Več obremenilnih izkušenj naj bi se pojavilo v družinah z nižjim socialno-ekonomskim statusom, v povprečju pa naj bi več takih izkušenj doživljale predvsem ženske, osebe z nižjo stopnjo izobrazbe ter osebe, katerih starši so imeli nižjo izobrazbo. Negativne učinke, ki jih te izkušnje pustijo na posamezniku, lahko zmanjšajo pozitivne izkušnje v otroštvu (največji vpliv imajo pozitivne izkušnje v odnosih znotraj družine) ter psihična odpornost posameznika. Med populacijo brezdomnih naj bi bila po nekaterih raziskavah prisotnost obremenilnih izkušenj v otroštvu v povprečju višja kot med splošno populacijo, doživljali naj bi predvsem telesne zlorabe, telesno zanemarjanje ter splošno disfunkcijo gospodinjstva, v katerem so odraščali. Z raziskavo, ki sem jo izvedla, sem želela ugotoviti, kakšna je prisotnost obremenilnih izkušenj v otroštvu med brezdomci po mnenju strokovnih delavcev, ki delajo s to populacijo, kako po njihovem mnenju te izkušnje vplivajo na življenje posameznika v odraslosti ter kateri so tisti dejavniki, ki jih oni opažajo kot najpogostejše pri nastanku brezdomstva. Moja raziskava je bila kvantitativna, vzorec je zajemal 45 enot. Uporabila sem spletni anketni vprašalnik, ki sem ga izdelala v programu Arnes 1ka. Z raziskavo sem prišla do nekaj ugotovitev, ki bi lahko služile predvsem kot pobuda za nadaljnje raziskovanje te teme. Strokovni delavci so kot najpogostejše dejavnike, ki vplivajo na nastanek brezdomstva, navajali stanovanjsko problematiko, odvisnost od alkohola in drog, institucionalizacijo ter revščino. Večinoma so bili mnenja, da izkušnje, ki jih posameznik doživi v otroštvu, zelo vplivajo na njegov nadaljnji potek življenja ter na težave, s katerimi se sooča v odraslosti. To je po njihovem mnenju predvsem posledica tega, da se v otroštvu izoblikujemo ter da pogosto ponotranjimo ravnanja, ki jih opazujemo pri svojih starših. Od obremenjujočih izkušenj v otroštvu strokovni delavci menijo, da največ brezdomcev doživi čustveno nasilje, čustveno zanemarjanje, fizično nasilje ter zasvojenost odraslega člana gospodinjstva, najmanj pa spolno zlorabo in težave v duševnem zdravju pri odraslih v gospodinjstvu.

Keywords:Brezdomstvo, obremenjujoče izkušnje v otroštvu (OIO), pozitivne izkušnje, vzroki za nastanek brezdomstva, strokovni delavci, vrste brezdomstva, vpliv otroštva na življenje in razvoj brezdomstva, vpliv OIO na življenje v odraslosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160428 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Adverse childhood experiences in homeless people
Homelessness is a serious social problem, which experts define in different ways. What all definitions have in common is the fact that homelessness goes beyond the aspect of not having a place to live, as it means exclusion in all areas of life. There are many different types of homelessness, roughly divided into four groups: those without a roof, those without housing, those with an insecure housing situation and those with a substandard housing situation. Since we don't have a central institution that deals with homelessness, it's impossible to measure and record it, which makes it difficult to compare between countries. According to estimates from 2017, Slovenia had just under 3000 homeless people. The emergence of homelessness can be blamed on multiple factors, divided into structural, institutional, relational and individual. In my work, I focus mainly on relational and individual factors, as I investigate the incidence of stressful childhood experiences (ACEs) among homeless people. This is a term that originated in a study in 1998, when the first research of the sort was conducted in the United States, but has since spread widely around the world. These studies measure the presence of 10 types of experiences that individuals experience during childhood, which have a significant impact on them throughout their whole lives. The survey done in Slovenia researched the following experiences – emotional and physical violence, emotional and physical neglect, sexual abuse or violence, abandonment by one of the parents, domestic violence between the adults in the household, living with an adult who suffers from mental health problems and living with an incarcerated adult or an adult that has committed a serious crime. Different studies define the basic adverse experiences in different ways, but for the most part, they are quite similar. People who undergo more of these experiences during childhood are more likely to develop depression, addictions, and some chronic health problems, and perform poorer at school and work than those who do not. In Slovenia, a survey on the presence of ACEs found that people most often experience emotional violence, physical violence and the loss of a biological parent. Families with lower socio-economic status are at higher risk of burdensome experiences, and on average more burdensome experiences are expected to be experienced by women, people with lower educational attainment and people whose parents had lower educational attainment. The negative effects that these experiences leave on the individual can be mainly reduced by positive experiences in childhood (positive experiences in family relationships have the biggest impact) and the psychological resilience of the individual. According to some studies, the prevalence of stressful childhood experiences is higher among the homeless population, compared to the general population, as they reportedly mainly experience physical abuse, physical neglect and general dysfunction in the household in which they grew up. The goal of the research I conducted was to find out what the presence of stressful childhood experiences is among homeless people according to professionals working with this population, how they think these experiences affect an individual’s life in adulthood, and what the factors they see as most common in the onset of homelessness are. My research was quantitative, the sample included 45 units. I used an online questionnaire that I created in the Arnes 1ka website. The research has led me to some findings that could serve primarily as an initiative for further research on this topic. Professionals cited housing problems, alcohol and drug addiction, institutionalization and poverty as the most common factors influencing the emergence of homelessness. It is widely regarded that the experiences a person undergoes in their childhood have a major impact on their later life course and on the problems they face in adulthood because we form ourselves in childhood and often copy the behaviours we observe in our parents. Experts believe that most common adverse childhood experiences homeless people experience are emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical abuse, and addiction from an adult household member, while sexual abuse and mental health problems among adults in the household are the least common.

Keywords:Homelessness, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), positive experiences, homelessness causes, social workes, types of homelessness, childhood impact on life and homelessness, impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on adult life

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