
Izzivi in priložnosti v psihosocialni podpori mladostnikom ob izgubi starša
ID Rošker, Lara (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tej diplomski nalogi se osredotočam na izzive, s katerimi se soočajo mladostniki ob smrti starša, in raziskujem, kako lahko psihosocialna podpora pomaga pri njihovem žalovanju. Ugotovitve temeljijo na že obstoječih znanstvenih virih in intervjujih s posameznicami, ki so doživele izgubo starša. V teoretičnem delu obravnavam pojme izgube, smrti in žalovanja ter travme, ki jo lahko smrt starša povzroči. Izpostavim pomen različnih virov podpore in pomoči ter posebej poudarim vlogo socialnega dela in podpornih skupin. Empirični del naloge vključuje kvalitativno raziskavo, ki temelji na intervjujih s posameznicami, ki so izgubile starša. Skozi njihove zgodbe raziskujem okoliščine smrti, potrebe in izzive mladostnic v času žalovanja ter oblike podpore in pomoči, ki so jim bile na voljo. Podajam predloge za izboljšanje obstoječih praks v Sloveniji, pri tem pa poudarjam potrebo po celoviti in individualizirani podpori, ki vključuje tako čustveno kot praktično pomoč mladostnikom. Diplomsko nalogo zaključujem z ugotovitvijo, da bi mladostnikom, ki se soočajo z izgubo starša, koristila bolj dostopna in organizirana mreža podpornih storitev ter večja ozaveščenost o pomenu psihosocialne podpore. Predlagam tudi razvoj novih oblik pomoči, kot so podporne skupine, ki bi mladostnikom olajšale proces žalovanja in prispevale k njihovemu dolgotrajnemu okrevanju.

Keywords:smrt starša, psihosocialna podpora, podporne skupine, žalovanje, podpora mladostnikom, travma
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160421 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Challenges and Opportunities in Psychosocial Support for Adolescents After a Loss of a Parent
In this thesis, I focus on the challenges adolescents face upon the death of a parent and explore how psychosocial support can help in their grieving process. The findings are based on existing scientific sources and interviews with individuals who have experienced the loss of a parent. Beginning with the theoretical section, I discuss the concepts of loss, death, and grieving, touching upon the trauma that the death of a parent can cause. I highlight the importance of various sources of support and assistance, particularly emphasizing the role of social work and support groups. The empirical section of the thesis includes a qualitative study based on interviews with individuals who have lost a parent. Through their stories, I research the circumstances of death, the needs and challenges of adolescents during grieving, and the forms of support and assistance available to them. I provide suggestions for improving existing practices in Slovenia, emphasizing the need for comprehensive and individualized support that includes both emotional and practical assistance for adolescents. I conclude the thesis with the finding that adolescents facing the loss of a parent would benefit from a more accessible and organized network of support services and greater awareness of the importance of psychosocial support. I also propose the development of new forms of assistance, such as support groups, that would ease the grieving process for adolescents and contribute to their long-term recovery.

Keywords:death of a parent, psychosocial support, support groups, grief/bereavement, adolescent support, trauma

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