
Učinek protitelesa proti CD155 na invazijo celic glioblastoma
ID Mikoš, Ula (Author), ID Breznik, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glioblastom je primarni možganski tumor, ki je eno najbolj agresivnih in smrtonosnih malignih obolenj. Kljub zdravljenju, ki obsega največjo možno kirurško odstranitev in sledečo radioterapijo ter kemoterapijo s temozolomidom, ostaja neozdravljiv. Hitra invazija celic glioblastoma v okoliško možganovino preprečuje popolno odstranitev tumorja, zaradi česar rakave celice ostanejo v možganih po operaciji. Posledično je ponovitev tumorja praktično neizogibna in remisija v povprečju traja le 7 mesecev. CD155 je adhezijski transmembranski glikoprotein tipa 1, ki se v povečani meri izraža na površini celic glioblastoma. V zdravih celicah sodeluje pri kontaktni inhibiciji in celični adheziji, rakave celice pa njegovo funkcijo izkoristijo za lastno korist, ki se kaže v agresivnosti tumorja, ki je povezana s slabo prognozo bolezni. Veliko raziskav je usmerjenih v inhibicijo delovanja CD155 in s tem izboljšavo končnega izida zdravljenja. Tudi mi smo imeli tak namen in sicer smo želeli preučiti vpliv vezave protitelesa proti CD155 (IgCD155) na invazijo celic glioblastoma. Zanimalo nas je, ali lahko s ciljanjem specifičnega proteina na površini rakavih celic vplivamo na njihovo invazijo. S tem namenom smo naredili 3D test invazije sferoidov rakavih celic v Matrigelu; še pred njim pa smo preverili, kolikšno koncentracijo protitelesa lahko uporabimo, brez da bi to toksično vplivalo na viabilnost celic. Izvedeni test viabilnosti MTT je pokazal, da IgCD155 ne vpliva na celično viabilnost tudi pri višjih koncentracijah. Tridimenzijski test invazije je zatem pokazal, da IgCD155 ne vpliva na invazijo diferencirane glioblastomske celične linije, pridobljene iz biopsije tumorja glioblastoma. V diplomskem delu prikazani rezultati predstavljajo prvo osnovo za nadaljnje raziskovanje potencialnega zdravljenja glioblastoma s ciljanjem proteina CD155.

Keywords:CD155, glioblastom, invazija, rakave celice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160412 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206073091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Title:The effect of anti-CD155 antibody on invasion of glioblastoma cells
Glioblastoma is a primary brain tumor that is one of the most aggressive and deadliest malignant diseases. Despite treatment, which includes maximum possible surgical removal and subsequent radiotherapy and chemotherapy with temozolomide, it remains incurable. The rapid invasion of glioblastoma cells into the surrounding brain prevents complete removal of the tumor, leaving cancer cells in the brain after surgery. As a result, tumor recurrence is practically inevitable and on average remission only lasts 7 months. CD155 is a type 1 adhesion transmembrane glycoprotein that is overexpressed on the surface of glioblastoma cells. In healthy cells, it participates in contact inhibition and cell adhesion, but cancer cells use its function for their own benefit, which is manifested in its aggressiveness, which is associated with a poor prognosis. A lot of research is aimed at inhibiting the function of CD155 and thereby improving the treatment outcome. We also had a similar aim, namely we wanted to study the effect of the binding of an antibody against CD155 (IgCD155) on the invasion of glioblastoma cells. We were studying whether we can influence cell invasion by targeting a specific protein on the surface of those cancer cells. Before we did a 3D invasion test of cancer cell spheroids in Matrigel for this purpose, we checked what concentration of the antibody could be used without having a toxic effect on cell viability. The MTT viability assay showed that IgCD155 does not affect cell viability even at higher concentrations. However, the invasion assay showed that IgCD155 did not affect the invasion of a differentiated glioblastoma cell line obtained from a glioblastoma tumor biopsy. This thesis’ results represent the first basis for further investigation of the potential treatment of glioblastoma by targeting the CD155 protein.

Keywords:cancer cells, CD155, glioblastoma, invasion

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