
Pomen maternega jezika otrok priseljencev v slovenskih vrtcih : diplomsko delo
ID Ahmetašević, Merisa (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu preučujem odnos vzgojiteljev do vključevanja maternega jezika otrok priseljencev v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo. Na začetku teoretičnega dela sem opredelila materni jezik, njegovo vlogo v zgodnjem otroštvu in pomen za učenje drugih jezikov. V nadaljevanju sem predstavila koncept otrok priseljencev ter kulturne in jezikovne razlike, s katerimi se srečujejo med preselitvijo. Pozornost sem namenila procesu zgodnjega učenja drugega jezika ter izzivom in prednostim dvojezičnosti v zgodnjem otroštvu. Osredotočila sem se tudi na medkulturno vzgojo in vključevanje medkulturnih vsebin v vrtce. Na koncu teoretičnega dela sem opredelila pomen ohranjanja maternega jezika otrok priseljencev, dokumente, ki obravnavajo to tematiko, ter vlogo staršev in vzgojiteljev v tem procesu. Empirični del je razdeljen na dva dela, v prvem delu raziskujem položaj maternega jezika otrok priseljencev v programih vrtca in ugotavljam naklonjenost vzgojiteljev do vključevanja maternega jezika v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo. Drugi del vključuje stališča staršev do vključevanja maternega jezika otrok priseljencev v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 57 vzgojiteljev in pomočnikov vzgojitelja s področja celotne Slovenije ter 56 staršev priseljencev iz različnih držav. Rezultate sem predstavila opisno s preglednicami in grafi. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se anketirani vzgojitelji zavedajo pomena maternega jezika v zgodnjem otroštvu, a niso naklonjeni vključevanju maternega jezika v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo. Oviro predstavlja nepoznavanje različnih maternih jezikov otrok priseljencev. Njihovo mnenje je, da je jezik okolja bolj prioriteten v vrtcih. Anketirani vzgojitelji namreč menijo, da bi potrebovali dodatna usposabljanja glede dela z otroki, ki govorijo različne materne jezike. Tudi iz raziskave, ki je vključevala starše otrok priseljencev, ugotavljam, da anketirani starši menijo, da vzgojitelji niso dovolj usposobljeni za delo s tovrstnimi otroki. Anketirani starši so zadovoljni s podporo vrtca pri učenju slovenščine, a menijo, da vrtec nima na voljo dovolj razpoložljivih materialnih virov v različnih jezikih ter ne sodeluje z družinami priseljencev pri ohranjanju in spodbujanju uporabe maternega jezika.

Keywords:drugi jezik, dvojezičnost, jezik, kultura, materni jezik, medkulturna vzgoja, otrok priseljenec, otroški vrtci, Slovenija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:M. Ahmetašević
Number of pages:48 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160403 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206081795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Importance of the Mother Tongue of Immigrant Children in Slovenian Kindergartens
In my thesis, I examine the attitudes of preschool teachers towards the inclusion of the mother tongue of immigrant children in educational work. At the beginning of the theoretical part, I defined the mother tongue, its role in early childhood and its importance for learning other languages. Then I introduced the concept of immigrant children and the cultural and linguistic differences they encounter during their resettlement. I focused on the process of early second language learning and the challenges and benefits of bilingualism in early childhood. I also focused on intercultural education and the integration of intercultural content in kindergartens. At the end of the theoretical part, I identified the importance of preserving the mother tongue of immigrant children, the documents dealing with this topic and the role of parents and educators in this process. The empirical part is divided into two parts, in the first part I investigate the position of the mother tongue of immigrant children in kindergarten programmes and I find out the preschool teachers' inclination towards the inclusion of the mother tongue in the educational work. The second part includes parents' attitudes towards the inclusion of the mother tongue of immigrant children in educational work. The study involved 57 teachers and assistant teachers from all over Slovenia and 56 parents of immigrants from different countries. I have presented the results descriptively with tables and graphs. The results of the survey showed that the preschool teachers surveyed are aware of the importance of mother tongue in early childhood, but are reluctant to integrate mother tongue into their educational work. The lack of knowledge of the different mother tongues of immigrant children is a barrier. Their opinion is that the language of the environment is a higher priority in kindergartens. In fact, the preschool teachers interviewed believe that they would need additional training in working with children who speak different mother tongues. I also note from the survey with parents of immigrant children that the parents surveyed feel that preschool teachers are not sufficiently trained to work with children of this type. The parents surveyed are satisfied with the kindergarten's support for learning Slovenian, but they feel that the kindergarten does not have enough material resources available in different languages and does not work with immigrant families to maintain and promote the use of their mother tongue.

Keywords:second language, bilingualism, language, culture, mother tongue, intercultural education, immigrant child

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