
Stališča študentov specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike in razrednega pouka do inkluzije : magistrsko delo
ID Horvat, Anja (Author), ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Comentor)

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Inkluzija kot proces zavedanja, naslavljanja in odzivanja na različne potrebe posameznikov za svojo uspešnost, ki predstavlja vključenost in aktivno participacijo, potrebuje spremembe, modifikacije in prilagoditve stališč. Redne šole, ki s svojim razvojem omogočajo uresničevanje inkluzivnega izobraževanja, se tako trudijo odzivati na potrebe in značilnosti učencev, saj imajo vsi otroci pravico do kakovostnega izobraževanja, doseganja in ohranjanja ravni znanja. Stališča do inkluzivnega izobraževanja imajo tri ključne komponente: kognitivno, afektivno in vedenjsko. Učitelji in drugi pedagoški delavci v poklic vstopajo z izoblikovanimi stališči, ki se odražajo tudi v njihovem vedenju, fleksibilnosti in odnosu do dela z učenci s posebnimi potrebami (v nadaljevanju PP). Na stališča učiteljev pomembno vplivajo njihovo znanje, izkušnje na področju dela z učenci s PP ter podpora, ki so je deležni s strani vodstva in drugih delavcev. Pomembno vlogo v oblikovanju stališč ima tudi sam proces poklicne priprave na fakulteti. V magistrskem delu smo ugotavljali stališča do inkluzije ter stališča do vključitve posameznih skupin učencev s PP pri 341 študentih Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani v programih Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika ter Razredni pouk ter v programih magistrskega študijskega programa Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika ter Poučevanje na razredni stopnji. Osredotočili smo se tudi na pogled študentov na timsko sodelovanje izbranih smeri v praksi ter primerjali njihova medsebojna stališča ter dejavnike (izkušnje na področju dela z učenci s PP, vrsta in izrazitost PP, občutek kompetentnosti ter pridobljenega znanja in izkušenj na fakulteti, ob tem pa tudi vpliv drugih oseb), ki na stališča vplivajo. Za namen magistrskega dela smo oblikovali anketni vprašalnik, v katerega smo vključili vprašalnika za preverjanje stališč (MATIES in TAIS), dodali pa smo tudi vprašanja za preverjanje izkušenj dela z učenci s PP ter petstopenjsko lestvico za ocenjevanje pomembnosti vpliva dejavnikov na posameznikova stališča do inkluzije. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imata obe skupini študentov pozitivna stališča do inkluzije, vendar pa študenti specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike izražajo statistično pomembno višjo naklonjenost inkluziji. Stiki, izkušnje in povečan občutek kompetentnosti za delo z osebami s PP po izkušnjah na pedagoški praksi pa statistično pomembno vplivajo na oblikovanje stališč le pri skupini študentov razrednega pouka, med katerimi imajo bolj pozitivna stališča tisti študenti, ki imajo predhodne stike in izkušnje. Obe skupini študentov imata najbolj pozitivna stališča do inkluzije učencev s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, najbolj negativna pa do inkluzije učencev z motnjo v duševnem razvoju, inkluziji katerih pa so statistično pomembno bolj naklonjeni študenti razrednega pouka. Med skupinama študentov prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik pri vplivu vrste in izrazitosti PP učenca na stališča do inkluzije ter pri dejavniku znanje s področja PP, pridobljeno na fakulteti. Našteti dejavniki so pomembnejši študentom specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike. Slednji kot statistično pomembnejši dejavnik ocenjujejo tudi število izkušenj, pridobljenih med pedagoško prakso, po katerih so inkluziji v večjem deležu manj naklonjeni.

Keywords:inkluzija, učenci s posebnimi potrebami, študenti razrednega pouka, študenti specialne in rehabilitacijske pedagogike, stališča, inkluzivna vzgoja in izobraževanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Horvat
Number of pages:114 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160402 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206202115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of Special and Rehabilitation Education Students and Primary Education Students Towards Inclusion
Inclusion as a process of being aware of, responsive to and meeting the diverse needs of individuals requires changes, modifications and adjustments to attitudes in order to be successful and ensure participation and active involvement. Regular schools that develop to implement inclusive education strive to meet the needs and characteristics of students as all children have the right to a quality education and to achieve and maintain an appropriate level of knowledge. Attitudes towards inclusive education consist of three key components: cognitive, affective and behavioural. Teachers and other educational professionals enter the profession with pre-formed attitudes that are reflected in their behaviour, flexibility and approach to working with students with special needs. Teachers' attitudes are significantly influenced by their knowledge, their experience of working with students with special needs and the support they receive from school management and other staff. The process of professional preparation at university level also plays an important role in shaping these attitudes. In this master's thesis, we investigated attitudes towards inclusion and the inclusion of specific groups of students with special needs among 341 students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Ljubljana enrolled in the Special and Rehabilitation Education and Primary Education degree programmes, as well as in the Master's degree programmes in Special and Rehabilitation Education and Primary Education. We also focused on students' perceptions of teamwork in practise in selected study programmes and compared their mutual attitudes and factors (experience of working with students with special needs, type and severity of special needs, sense of competence and acquired knowledge and experience at university, and the influence of other people) that influence these attitudes. For the master's thesis, we developed a questionnaire that included the MATIES and TAIS attitude assessment questionnaires, as well as additional questions to assess experience working with students with special needs and a five-point scale to assess the importance of factors that influence individual attitudes toward inclusion. The research results show that both groups of students have a positive attitude towards inclusion; however, students of special and rehabilitation education expressed a statistically significantly higher inclination towards inclusion. Contact, experience and an increased sense of competence in working with students with special needs after practical experience only had a statistically significant influence on the formation of attitudes among primary school teaching students, with those with previous contact and experience showing a more positive attitude. Both groups of students had the most positive attitudes towards the inclusion of students with learning disabilities and the most negative attitudes towards the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities. However, primary school teaching students were statistically significantly more willing to include students with intellectual disabilities. Statistically significant differences between the two groups were found in relation to the influence of the type and severity of special needs on attitudes towards inclusion, as well as in relation to the factor of knowledge about special needs acquired at university. These factors were more important for the special and rehabilitation education students. The latter group also rated the number of experiences gained during practical training as a statistically significant factor, with a greater proportion showing a lower inclination towards inclusion after practical experience.

Keywords:inclusion, students with special needs, primary school teaching students, special and rehabilitation education students, attitudes

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