
Halliwick koncept v delovnoterapevtski obravnavi otrok in mladostnikov s cerebralno paralizo : diplomsko delo
ID Bizjak, Janja (Author), ID Ocepek, Julija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Sicherl, Zorana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Halliwick koncept je koncept poučevanja samostojnega gibanja v vodi. Primeren je za vsakogar, a se po večini uporablja pri osebah z zmanjšano zmožnostjo. Osebe s cerebralno paralizo so osebe z nenapredujočo okvaro možganov. Imajo težave s povišanim ali znižanim mišičnim tonusom, koordinacijo, vzdrževanjem ravnotežja, z zmanjšano mišično močjo in s selektivno motorično kontrolo. Delovni terapevt pri otrocih in mladostnikih s cerebralno paralizo uporablja različne delovnoterapevtske modele, pristope in tehnike za uspešno izpeljavo obravnave. Z različnimi intervencijami poskuša spodbuditi motorične, procesne in socialno-interakcijske spretnosti ter tako spodbuja samostojnost pri izvedbi aktivnosti. Voda je dober terapevtski medij, ki posamezniku lahko pomaga ali omogoči doseči zastavljene cilje obravnave s področja gibanja. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati vključevanje Halliwick koncepta v delovnoterapevtsko obravnavo otrok in mladostnikov s cerebralno paralizo. Zanimale so nas predvsem izkušnje in vloga delovnih terapevtov pri uporabi Halliwick koncepta v delovnoterapevtski obravnavi otrok in mladostnikov s cerebralno paralizo. Metode dela: Izvedli smo kvalitativno raziskavo z namenskim vzorčenjem. S petimi delovnimi terapevtkami smo izvedli polstrukturiran intervju. Sledila je izvedba kvalitativne vsebinske analize, ki nam je bila v pomoč pri tvorbi teoretične razlage proučevane teme. Rezultati: Z izvedbo kvalitativne vsebinske analize smo oblikovali tri teme: izkušnje delovnega terapevta s Halliwick konceptom, vloga delovnega terapevta pri izvedbi Halliwick koncepta in obravnava otrok s cerebralno paralizo po Halliwick konceptu. Iz rezultatov je bilo mogoče razbrati, da imajo delovni terapevti pozitivne izkušnje z uporabo koncepta. V obravnavo po Halliwick konceptu vključujejo širša znanja in elemente delovne terapije, hkrati pa morajo biti pozorni na več specifik otrok s cerebralno paralizo. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da so izkušnje delovnih terapevtov z uporabo Halliwick koncepta pozitivne, saj koncept predstavijo kot dobro organiziran, vodljiv ter takšen, ki spodbudi otrokovo samozavest. Njegova sestava in potek otroku zagotavljata postopno osvajanje motoričnih spretnosti in plavalnih veščin. Prav tako pa hkrati spodbuja otroka k vključevanju in sodelovanju v skupini.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, samostojnost v vodi, plavalne veščine, terapija v vodi, poškodba možganov, delovni terapevt
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Bizjak]
Number of pages:30 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160394 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205529347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Halliwick concept in occupational therapy treatment of children and adolescent with cerebral palsy : diploma work
Introduction: The Halliwick concept is a concept of learning to move independently in water. It is suitable for everyone, but is mainly used by people with limited abilities. People with cerebral palsy are people with non-progressive brain damage. They have problems with increased or decreased muscle tone, coordination, balance maintenance reduced muscle strength and selective motor control. When treating children and adolescent with cerebral palsy, the occupational therapist uses various practical occupational therapy models to successfully carry out the treatment. With various interventions, the therapist tries to promote motor and cognitive skills, but also independence in carrying out activities. Water is a good therapeutic medium that can help or enable the individual to achieve many goals in the areas of movement. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work was to investigate the incorporation of Halliwick concept into the occupational therapy treatment of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. We were particularly interested in the experiences and role of occupational therapists in the application of the Halliwick concept in the occupational therapy treatment of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study using a purposive sample. We conducted a semi-structured interview with five occupational therapists. We then conducted a qualitative content analysis, which helped us to find a theoretical explanation for the topic under investigation. Results: By conducting a qualitative content analysis, we formed three themes: occupational therapists' experiences with the Halliwick concept, occupational therapists' role in implementing the Halliwick concept, and the treatment of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy according to the Halliwick concept. The results showed that occupational therapists have positive experiences with the application of the concept. Treatment according to the Halliwick concept includes a broader knowledge and elements of occupational therapy. At the same time, they have to pay attention to various special features of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Discussion and conclusion: We have found that occupational therapists’ experiences with the Halliwick concept are positive, as we present the concept as well organized, manageable, and supportive of the child's self-confidence. Its structure and progression ensure that the child gradually acquires motor skills and swimming skills. At the same time, it encourages the child or adolescent to join and participate in the group.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, independence in water, swimming skills, water therapy, brain injury, occupational therapist

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