
Vpliv izlužkov iz zelenega betona z mikroplastiko na rast rastlin
ID Friedl, Ela (Author), ID Žgajnar Gotvajn, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi naraščanja populacije, urbanizacije in industrializacije je povpraševanje po betonu vedno višje. Posledično je količina proizvedenega betona višja, s tem pa se proizvede tudi velika količina CO$_2$ emisij, katere so glavni krivec za drastični dvig temperatur v zadnjih letih. Klasičen beton je problematičen tudi zato, ker izčrpava naravne vire, kot so voda in naravni agregati. Zaradi navedenih težav se iščejo zelene rešitve, ki bi rešile tako slednjo problematiko kot tudi problematiko odpadkov. To se večinsko nanaša na polimerne materiale, ki imajo zelo razširjeno uporabo, hkrati pa so obstojni in se v okolju težko razgradijo. Ena izmed rešitev je zeleni beton, kateremu se del agregata zamenja z drobno zmleto plastiko oz. mikroplastiko. Namen raziskave je bilo ugotoviti, kako klasičen beton in zelen beton z mikroplastiko vplivata na rast male vodne leče ter določiti vsebnost klorofila a in b v členih vodne leče. Rezultati so pokazali, da na vsebnost klorofila in dolžino korenin različne koncentracije zelenega betona ne vplivajo drastično, medtem ko višje koncentracije vzorca zelenega betona inhibirajo specifično hitrost rasti členov vodne leče.

Keywords:mala vodna leča (Lemna minor), mikroplastika, strupenost, zeleni beton
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160382 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206053123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of green concrete with microplastic leachates on growth of plants
Due to population growth, urbanization and industrialization, the demand for concrete is increasing. As a result, production of concrete has increased, which produces a large amount of CO$_2$ emissions - the main culprit for the drastic rise in temperatures in recent years. Classic concrete is also problematic because it depletes natural resources such as water and natural aggregates. Due to the problems mentioned before, green solutions are being sought that would solve both the CO2 emission problem and the waste problem. This mostly refers to polymer materials, which are widely used, but at the are sustainable and difficult to decompose in the environment. One of the solutions is green concrete, in which part of the aggregate is replaced with finely ground plastic or microplastics. The aim of the research was to evaluate how classic concrete and green concrete with microplastics effect the growth of duckweed and the content of chlorophyll a and b in its fronds. The results showed that different concentrations of green concrete do not drastically affect the chlorophyll content and root length, while higher concentrations inhibit the specific growth rate of duckweed.

Keywords:duckweed (Lemna minor), green concrete, microplastics, toxicity

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