
Interaktivni sistem za zajem in sinhronizacijo uporabniških video posnetkov na koncertih
ID SEDMAK, TEVŽ (Author), ID Pesek, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tej diplomski nalogi predstavljamo sistem za objavo in usklajevanje uporabnikovih telefonskih video posnetkov koncertov in drugih dogodkov ter njihovo nadaljnje urejanje, ocenjevanje in predogled z interaktivnim spletnim vmesnikom. Sistem se opira na razširjeno uporabo telefonov med javnimi dogodki in hkrati izboljšuje interakcijo med obiskovalci in prizoriščem. Z uporabo sodobnih spletnih tehnologij in preprostih algoritmov za obdelavo avdio-video vsebin smo razvili platformo, ki omogoča obiskovalcem dogodkov, da svoje posnetke delijo in sodelujejo pri ustvarjanju visokokakovostnega skupnega video izdelka. Naloga opisuje arhitekturo sistema, implementacijo ključnih komponent ter odziv uporabnikov v resničnem okolju. Predstavljamo rezultate uporabniške študije, izvedene z uporabo standardiziranega vprašalnika UEQ (angl. User Experience Questionnaire). Nadaljujemo z diskusijo analize rezultatov uporabniške študije. Zaključujemo z razpravo o vplivu takšnega sistema na gledalčevo izkušnjo, potencialnih priložnostih za nadaljnji razvoj in omejitvah trenutne implementacije.

Keywords:video sinhronizacija, uporabniško generirane vsebine, interaktivnost, koncerti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160380 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:208409347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Interactive System for Capturing and Synchronizing User Video Recordings at Concerts
In this thesis, we present a system for publishing and synchronizing users' phone recordings of concerts and other events, as well as their subsequent editing, rating, and preview through an interactive web interface. The system leverages the widespread use of phones during public events while enhancing the interaction between attendees and the venue. Using modern web technologies and simple audio-video processing algorithms, we have developed a platform that allows event-goers to share their recordings and collaborate in creating a high-quality collective video product. The thesis describes the system architecture, implementation of key components, and user response in a real-world environment. We present the results of a user study conducted using the standardized User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). We continue by discussing the UEQ analysis results. We conclude with a discussion on the impact of such a system on the viewer's experience, potential opportunities for further development, and limitations of the current implementation.

Keywords:video synchronization, user-generated content, interactivity, concerts

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