
Spremljanje onesnaženja slovenskih rek z emergentnimi onesnaževali – primer reke Vipave
ID Rupnik, Teja (Author), ID Prosen, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Onesnaževanje vode je svetovni problem, ki zahteva spremljanje stanja ekosistemov. V vodnem okolju je prisotno veliko število emergentnih onesnaževal. To so kemikalije, ki so potencialno nevarne okolju in ekosistemu. V okolju jih običajno ne spremljamo, ker niso vključena v zakonodajo. Z diplomsko nalogo sem želela ugotoviti, kakšno je onesnaženje reke Vipave z emergentnimi onesnaževali. Do onesnaževanja reke Vipave pride predvsem zaradi kmetijstva, industrije, prometa, neurejenosti kanalizacijskega omrežja in zaradi rek in pritokov, ki se izlivajo v reko. Vzorce rečne vode sem ekstrahirala z ekstrakcijo na trdno fazo. Mehanizem SPE temelji na fizikalno-kemijskih odvisnostih med sorbenti, analiti in topili. Pri SPE sem izvedla vse korake: kondicioniranje, nanos vzorca, sušenje sorbenta, elucija, sušenje ekstrakta z dušikom, rekonstitucija. Analizirala sem 23 vzorcev. Analiti, ki sem jih določala, spadajo v 5 kategorij in sicer med industrijske kemikalije, prehranske aditive, UV filtre, zdravilne učinkovine in pesticide. Določala sem naslednja onesnaževala: ramipril, telmisartan, simvastatin, rosuvastatin, moksifloksacin, cikloksidim, diflufenikan, pirimikarb, acetamiprid, oktokrilen, neotam, ciklamat, avobenzon, acesulfam, kofein, 2-merkaptobenzotiazol, tris(2-butoksietil)fosfat, tris(2-etilheksil)fosfat, 2-akrilamido-2-metilpropan sulfonska kislina. Pred ekstrakcijo vzorca sem določila prebojni volumen vzorca pri SPE. Želela sem doseči čim večji možni prebojni volumen, da bi dosegla čim boljšo predkoncentracijo. Preizkusila sem 250, 350 in 500 mL vzorca. Za 250 mL so najvišji izkoristki, manjši izkoristki so za 350 mL in najmanjši izkoristki pri 500 mL. Izbrala sem 350 mL, ker je ta volumen najbolj optimalen za vse analite. Določila sem ponovljivost izkoristkov pri volumnu 350 mL. Najboljši izkoristki so bili pri kofeinu, ramiprilu in neotamu. Najslabši izkoristki pa pri 2-akrilamido-2-metilpropan sulfonski kislini, cikloksidimu in oktokrilenu, kjer so bili izkoristki 0 %. Analiza realnih vzorcev je pokazala, da je predvsem koncentracija kofeina glavni pokazatelj antropogenega vpliva na reko. Največjo koncentracijo onesnaževal je imel vzorec, ki je bil odvzet, preden pritok Hubelj priteče v Vipavo, med bolj onesnaženimi vzorci je bil tudi vzorec, ki je bil odvzet na mestu, kjer se Hubelj že izlije v reko ter vzorec, ki je bil odvzet v bližini čistilne naprave.

Keywords:reka Vipava, onesnaževanje, emergentna onesnaževala, ekstrakcija na trdno fazo (SPE).
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160377 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206041091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Monitoring of pollution of Slovenian rivers with contaminants of emerging concern – river Vipava example
Water pollution is a global problem that requires monitoring the status of ecosystems. A large number of emergent pollutants are present in aquatic environments. These are chemicals potentially hazardous to the environment and ecosystems. They are typically not monitored, because they are not legally regulated. The aim of the thesis was to determine the pollution of the Vipava river with emergent pollutants. Pollution of the Vipava river is mainly due to agriculture, industry, traffic, unregulated sewage networks, and inflows from other rivers and tributaries. The river water samples were extracted using solid-phase extraction (SPE). The SPE mechanism is based on physicochemical interactions between sorbents, analytes, and solvents. All steps of SPE were performed: conditioning, sample application, drying of sorbent, elution, nitrogen drying of extract and reconstitution. Twenty-three samples were analyzed, including analytes categorized into industrial chemicals, food additives, UV filters, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. Pollutants such as ramipril, telmisartan, simvastatin, rosuvastatin, moxifloxacin, cycloxydim, diflufenican, pirmicarb, acetamiprid, octocrylene, neotame, cyclamate, avobenzone, acesulfame, caffeine, 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate, and tris(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate were determined. Before the extraction of samples, breakthrough volume of SPE was determined to achieve the highest possible volume for better preconcentration. Sample volumes of 250, 350, and 500 mL were tested, with the highest efficiency observed for 250 mL and the lowest for 500 mL. A volume of 350 mL was chosen as the optimal for all analytes. Reproducibility of recoveries were determined at a volume of 350 mL, with the best recoveries observed for caffeine, ramipril and neotame, and the worst for 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid, cycloxide and octocrylene with recoveries at 0%. Analysis of real samples showed that caffeine concentration primarily indicates the anthropogenic impact on the river. The sample with the highest concentration of pollutants was taken before the Hubelj tributary flows into the Vipava River. Among the more polluted samples were those taken at the point where Hubelj flows into the river and near the wastewater treatment plant.

Keywords:Vipava river, pollution, emergent pollutants, solid-phase extraction (SPE).

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