
Vloga strokovnih delavcev v procesu nudenja pomoči žrtvam nasilja v intimnopartnerskem odnosu
ID Šiška, Tia (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem raziskovala vlogo strokovnih delavcev, ki delujejo na področju nasilja v družini, s poudarkom na intimnopartnerskih odnosih. V teoretskem uvodu sem najprej opredelila splošno definicijo nasilja, nato pa sem podrobneje opredelila nasilje v intimnopartnerskem odnosu. Zanj sem navedla najpogostejše značilnosti. Opisala sem tudi, katere so pogoste oblike nasilja, ki se pojavljajo. V nadaljevanju sem zapisala, kakšni so miti, stereotipi in prepričanja, ki se pojavljajo v družbi, med povzročitelji in žrtvami nasilja ter v institucijah, ki nasilje obravnavajo. Zapisala sem, kakšna je vloga centrov za socialno delo in nevladnih organizacij, ko izvejo, da se v družini dogaja nasilje. Na koncu teoretskega uvoda sem opisala, kako poteka sodelovanje z drugimi organi. Za opisovanje nalog sem med drugim uporabila ustrezno zakonodajo. Največkrat sem omenila Zakon o preprečevanju nasilja v družini. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo, v kateri sem opravila delno strukturirane intervjuje s sedmimi strokovnimi delavkami, ki na področju nasilja v družini delujejo že vsaj eno leto. Dve sogovornici sta zaposleni na Centru za socialno delo Ljubljana, dve na Društvu SOS telefon in tri na Društvu za nenasilno komunikacijo. Podatke sem nato kvalitativno obdelala in zapisala rezultate. V razpravi sem svoje ugotovitve povezala z ustrezno literaturo. Raziskava je pokazala, da imajo strokovni delavci pri delu z žrtvami nasilja izredno pomembno vlogo. Z njimi sodelujejo vse od začetka, ko se jim te zaupajo, do tega, da jih spodbudijo k temu, da nasilje prijavijo, pa vse do konca, ko se zaključi postopek. Žrtve imajo po končanem postopku še vedno možnost, da nadaljujejo s svetovanji, psihosocialno pomočjo in z drugimi različnimi oblikami pomoči. Raziskava je tudi pokazala, da je imela uvedba Zakona o preprečevanju nasilja v družini velik vpliv na to, da je družba na nasilje postala pozornejša in manj tolerantna. Institucije so obravnavi nasilja začele posvečati večjo pozornost. Poudarila sem tudi sodelovanje med institucijami. Strokovni delavci se, sodeč po moji raziskavi, zavedajo, kako pomembno je medsebojno sodelovanje. Na koncu sem predstavila sklepe, zapisala ključne ugotovitve in predloge, ki so rezultat moje raziskave.

Keywords:centri za socialno delo, nasilje v družini, nevladne organizacije, partnerski odnos, podpora, Zakon o preprečevanju nasilja v družini
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160370 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The Role of Professionals in the Process of Offering Assistance to Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
The graduation thesis examines the role of professionals active in the field of domestic violence, with an emphasis on intimate partner relationships. In the theoretical introduction, I first provide a general definition of violence, and then I define intimate partner violence in more detail. I list the most common characteristics of this type of violence. I also describe the common forms of violence that occur. Next, I describe the myths, stereotypes and beliefs that appear in society, among perpetrators and victims of violence, and in institutions that deal with violence. I present the role of social welfare centres and non-governmental organizations when they find out about a particular domestic violence situation. At the end of the theoretical introduction, I describe how the collaboration with other authorities is conducted. Relevant legislation is used throughout the thesis. The most often quoted piece of legislation herein is the Act on the Prevention of Domestic Violence. I performed a qualitative research by conducting semi-structured interviews with seven female professionals who had been working in the field of domestic violence for at least one year. Two of the respondents are employees of the Social Welfare Centre of Ljubljana, two of them work at the SOS Help-Line Association and three of them are employed at the Association for Nonviolent Communication. The data was then processed qualitatively and the results were presented. The discussion part of the thesis connects the findings with relevant literature. The research showed that professionals play an extremely important role in working with victims of violence. They work with them from the very beginning: when the victims confide in them, when they encourage the victims to report the violence, and all the way to the end, when the process is completed. When the process is completed, the victims still have the option to continue with counselling, psychosocial assistance and other forms of assistance. The research also showed that the introduction of the Act on the Prevention of Domestic Violence has had a major impact on society becoming more attentive and less tolerant of violence. Institutions have begun to pay more attention to addressing violence. The thesis also emphasizes the cooperation between different institutions. Judging by my research, professionals are aware of the importance of mutual cooperation. Finally, I present the conclusions, key findings and suggestions resulting from my research.

Keywords:social welfare centres, domestic violence, non-governmental organizations, intimate partnership support, Act on the Prevention of Domestic Violence

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