
Izbris iz registra stalnih prebivalcev: refleksije osebnih izkušenj prebivalcev Slovenije in njenih izseljencev
ID Bijelonić, Sonja (Author), ID Zorn, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali izbris iz registra stalnega prebivalstva, ki se je zgodil 26. februarja 1992 v Sloveniji. Osredotočili smo se na posledice izbrisa ter mnenja prizadetih glede izbrisa, poskuse poprave krivic, odgovornosti, ozaveščenosti, njihovih občutkih. V teoretičnem delu smo s pomočjo literature opisali glavne značilnosti izbrisa, kako je do izbrisa prišlo, kakšne so posledice ter na kakšne načine se je krivice skušalo popraviti. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate in ugotovitve kvalitativne raziskave, ki temelji na delno strukturiranih intervjujih s šestimi osebami, neposredno in posredno izbrisanimi ter s pomočjo uporabljene literature. Ugotovili smo, da so posledice izbrisa prisotne še danes in da mnogi izbrisani 33 let po izbrisu še vedno nimajo urejenega statusa v Sloveniji, mnogi še danes delajo, namesto da bi bili upokojeni zaradi izgube delovne dobe v času izbrisa. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da se je izbrisanim krivice skušalo popraviti, ampak za mnoge izbrisane zelo šibko in izključujoče. Iz literature in opravljenih intervjujev je mogoče sklepati, da so bili poskusi poprave povzročene škode bolj povezani z ustvarjanjem podobe v javnosti, da obstaja želja in prizadevanje za popravek krivic, kot pa iskren interes države in njenih organov, da raziščejo odgovornost in ustvarijo mehanizme za dejansko popravo krivic. Med drugim smo ugotovili, da bo izbris vedno ostal del identitete izbrisanih oseb in njihovih svojcev, prav tako bo ostala bolečina v njihovih življenjih, kar je ena od posledic izbrisa, ki se nikoli ne bo uspela popraviti ali nadoknaditi. Rezultati raziskave vplivajo na večjo ozaveščenost o izbrisu, osvetljujejo nove vidike izbrisa, saj je vsaka zgodba res posebna in dragocena. Intervjuvali smo tudi tiste, ki so o izbrisu govorili večkrat in so del boja izbrisanih, s tem pa tudi del slovenske zgodovine.

Keywords:izbris, izbrisani, stalno prebivanje, državljanstvo, Republika Slovenija, Jugoslavija, bivše jugoslovanske republike, posledice.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Erasure from the register of permanent residents: Reflections on the personal experiances of Slovenian residents and its emigrants
In my master's thesis, we investigated the erasure from the register of permanent residents that occurred on February 26, 1992, in Slovenia. We focused on the consequences of the erasure, the opinions of those affected, attempts to rectify the injustices, responsibility, awareness, and their feelings. In the theoretical part, we used literature to describe the main characteristics of the erasure, how it occurred, the consequences, and the ways in which attempts were made to rectify the injustices. In the empirical part, we presented the results and findings of a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with six individuals, both directly and indirectly affected by the erasure, supplemented by literature. We found that the consequences of the erasure are still present today, with many erased individuals still lacking regulated status in Slovenia 33 years after the event. Many are still working instead of being retired due to the loss of employment years during the erasure. Our findings revealed that efforts to rectify the injustices faced by the erased were weak and exclusionary for many. From the literature and the interviews conducted, it can be concluded that attempts to repair the damage were more about creating a public image of a desire and effort to correct the injustices rather than a genuine desire by the state and its authorities to investigate responsibility and establish mechanisms for actual redress. We also found that the erasure will always remain part of the identity of the erased individuals and their relatives, with the pain remaining in their lives as a consequence of the erasure that can never be fully repaired or compensated. The results of the research contribute to greater awareness of the erasure, add new voices to those of the erased, as each story is truly unique and valuable. We also interviewed those who have spoken about the erasure multiple times and are part of the struggle of the erased, thereby also part of Slovenian history.

Keywords:erasure, the erased, permanent residence, citizenship, Republic of Slovenia, Yugoslavia, former Yugoslav republics, consequences.

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