
Socialnodelavni posegi in priložnosti za socialnodelovno prakso v obdobju poplav avgusta 2023 na območjih: Sneberje, Medvode, Tacen, Vikrče in Medno
ID Igrec, Žan (Author), ID Šumi, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pistotnik, Sara (Comentor)

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Poplave avgusta 2023 so imele obsežne posledice, tako materialne kot čustvene. Prizadeti so se znašli v težkem bivalnem, finančnem in socialnem položaju. Na pomoč jim je priskočilo več inštitucij, tako državnih kot organiziranih s strani prostovoljcev. Namen diplomskega dela je oceniti primernost odzivov na stisko, predvsem s strani centrov za socialno delo. V teoretičnem uvodu pišem o naravnih in drugih nesrečah, zakonodaji povezanimi z njimi in umeščenosti teorije socialnega dela v ta kontekst. Pri metodologiji se sklicujem na glavni vir, ki je bila raziskava z naslovom Hitra ocena potreb in storitev na poplavljenih območjih, ki jih pokrivata CSD Moste-Polje in CSD Šiška, ki smo jo na pobudo CSD Ljubljana izvedli študentje in zaposleni na FSD. V sklopu te raziskave smo izvedli 57 intervjujev z osebami, ki so jih prizadele poplave, kjer smo povpraševali po njihovih potrebah v času med in po poplavah ter v kolikšni meri in s čigave strani so prihajali odzivi nanje. Intervjuje te raziskave sem uporabil pri sekundarni analizi, kjer sem jih kodiral odprto in osno. Izkazalo se je, da so bili med najpomembnejšimi akterji gasilci, občina, družina in sosedje, prostovoljci ter centri za socialno delo. Glavne potrebe prizadetih so bile evakuacija, sanacija, zagotavljanje življenjskih potrebščin in nadomestnega bivanja ter psihosocialna in finančna pomoč. Centri za socialno delo so po poplavah igrali pomembno vlogo pri zagotavljanju finančne podpore, strokovne delavke so prebivalce tudi osebno obiskovale na terenu ter jim pomagale z izpolnjevanjem vlog. Nad delovanjem centrom so respondenti bili večinoma zadovoljni. Moji predlogi so boljša koordinacija zadolžitev centrov za socialno delo med občinami, fokus na kontinuirani podpori socialnih delavk na terenu, trajnostnem pristopu ter skupnostnem socialnem delu.

Keywords:poplave, centri za socialno delo (CSD), krizni odziv, hitra ocena potreb in storitev (HOPS), socialno delo v izrednih razmerah
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160366 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Social work interventions and opportunities for social work practice during the August 2023 floods in the areas of: Sneberje, Medvode, Tacen, Vikrče and Medno.
The floods of August 2023 had extensive consequences, both material and emotional. Those affected found themselves in difficult living, financial, and social situations. Several institutions, both state-run and organized by volunteers, came to their aid. The aim of this thesis is to assess the adequacy of responses to the distress, particularly from social work centers. The theoretical introduction discusses natural and other disasters, relevant legislation, and the integration of social work theory into this context. In the methodology section, the main source cited is a study titled "Rapid Assessment of Needs and Services in Flooded Areas," conducted by the Moste-Polje and Šiška Centers for Social Work, initiated by the Ljubljana Center for Social Work, involving students and staff from the Faculty of Social Work. As part of this study, 57 interviews were conducted with individuals affected by the floods. Participants were asked about their needs during and after the floods, and the extent and source of responses they received. These interviews were used in a secondary analysis, where responses were coded open-endedly and categorically. The findings highlighted firefighters, the municipality, family and neighbors, volunteers, and social work centers as key actors. Primary needs identified among the affected included evacuation, cleanup, provision of essentials and temporary housing, as well as psychosocial and financial assistance. Social work centers played a crucial role post-flood by providing financial support and personal visits to residents in need, assisting them with paperwork. Respondents generally expressed satisfaction with the centers' efforts. My recommendations include improved coordination of responsibilities between social work centers across municipalities, a focus on continuous support of social workers in the field, a sustainable approach, and community-based social work.

Keywords:floods, social work centers (SWC), crisis response, rapid needs assessment, disaster social work

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