
Zelena razmestitev proizvodnje
ID Peruš, Miha (Author), ID Berlec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zadnjih letih je v raziskavah veliko poudarka na trajnostnem razvoju, zeleni usmeritvi in nižjemu ogljičnemu odtisu. Na strojniškem področju so večji proizvajalci CO2 ekvivalenta predvsem proizvodna podjetja. Intenzivno se iščejo različne rešitve za znižanje ogljičnega odtisa. V predstavljenem magistrskem delu smo se posledično osredotočili na znižanje CO2 ekvivalenta znotraj proizvodnega procesa. Zasnovali smo koncept vpeljave zelene proizvodnje v proizvodni proces, v katerem smo podatke pridobivali, zbirali, urejali in analizirali. Izdelali smo nosilec luči gozdarske prikolice, pri čemer smo izvedli vse potrebne preračune in uporabili simulacijski program z namenom načrtovanja serijske proizvodnje. Večji poudarek smo namenili razmeščanju delovnih mest. Rešitve smo predstavili v obliki izračunov, grafov in pojasnjevanj. Ugotovili smo pomembno vlogo strojev z veliko porabo energije in izpostavili povezavo med stroški in CO2 ekvivalentom. Probleme vedno rešujemo na primarnem nivoju, vplive pa preučujemo globalno.

Keywords:zelena proizvodnja, CO2 ekvivalent, ogljični odtis, proizvodni proces, razmestitev delovnih mest, metoda razmeščanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160359 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Title:Green layout design
In recent researches there is a lot of emphasis on sustainable development, green concept and low carbon footprint. In the field of mechanical engineering, the major producers of CO2 equivalent are primarily manufacturing companies. Various solutions to reduce the carbon footprint are being intensively sought. As a result, in the presented master's thesis, we focused on the reduction of the CO2 equivalent within the production area process. We designed the concept of introducing green production into the production process in which we acquired, collected, edited and analyzed data. We made a bracket for lights for a forestry trailer, whereby we performed all the necessary calculations and used a simulation program for the purpose of planning the series production. Greater emphasis was on workstations layout. We presented the solutions in the form of calculations, graphs and explanations. We have identified the important role of machines with high energy consumption and pointed out the connection between costs and CO2 equivalent. We always solve problems on primary level, but the impacts must be studied globally.

Keywords:green manufacturing, CO2 equivalent, carbon footprint, production process, workstations layout, layout method

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