
Konstruiranje računalniško krmiljenega obdelovalnega stroja s hidravlično prešo
ID Jančar Vrhovnik, Jan (Author), ID Ambrož, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga predstavlja zasnovo računalniško vodenega obdelovalnega stroja s hidravlično prešo, od idejne zasnove do izdelave tehnične dokumentacije. Na podlagi izhodišč v pričujočem delu, bo možno pripraviti podrobne delavniške načrte in izdelati zasnovani obdelovalni stroj. Rezkanje je obdelovalni postopek z odstranjevanjem materiala, prešanje pa je obdelovalni postopek, pri katerem tlačno obremenimo material, da pridobi želene lastnosti in je primeren za nadaljnjo obdelavo. V diplomski nalogi smo zasnovali obdelovalni stroj, ki združuje izvedbo obeh postopkov. Zasnova takšnega stroja izhaja iz realne potrebe in tehničnih zahtev pri izdelovanju kompozitnih panelov za izdelavo bivalnih nadgradenj za terenska počitniška vozila. V uvodnem delu je bila na podlagi tehničnih izhodišč izvedena analiza trga. V nadaljevanju je bil zmodeliran 3D model v modelirniku Solidworks. Z metodo končnih elementov smo preverili ustreznost izbranih konstrukcijskih elementov. Izdelana je bila tehniška dokumentacija, ki zajema sestavno risbo celotnega stroja in sestavne risbe ključnih podsestavov.

Keywords:obdelovalni stroj, hidravlična preša, prešanje, CNC, kompozitni panel, računalniško krmiljenje, vakuumski sistem, konstruiranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Design of a computer controlled machining center with hydraulic press
The thesis presents the design of a computer-controlled machine with a hydraulic press, from the conceptual design to the production of technical documentation. Based on the starting points in this work, it will be possible to prepare detailed technical drawings and manufacture the designed machine. Milling is a machining process with cutting tool, while pressing is a machining process in which we press the material to acquire the desired properties and is suitable for further processing. In the thesis, we designed a machine that will combine the execution of both processes. The design of such a machine is based on a real need and technical requirements in the production of composite panels for the construction of off-road adventure vehicles. In the introduction, a market analysis was carried out based on technical requirements. A 3D model was modeled in Solidworks. The suitability of the selected structural elements was carried out, using the finite element method. Technical documentation was prepared, which includes an assembly drawing of the entire machine and assembly drawings of key subassemblies.

Keywords:Machining center, Hydraulic press, Pressing, CNC, Composite panel, Computer control, Vacuum system, Construction

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