
Načrtovanje izkušnje stanja zanosa z uporabo sodobnih digitalnih tehnologij
ID Vidmar, Eva (Author), ID Geršak, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Avsec, Andreja (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga temelji na uporabi sodobnih digitalnih tehnologij za oblikovanje multimedijskega prostora, ki bi v posameznikih vzpodbudil stanje zanosa. Zanos je psihološko stanje, v katerem smo tako poglobljeni v aktivnost, da izgubimo občutek za čas in zunanje skrbi. Ob izstopu iz tega stanja se počutimo zadovoljne in srečne, kar predstavlja ključni razlog za izbiro te tematike za magistrsko nalogo. Glavni cilj naloge je preučiti, ali je mogoče doseči to stanje s pomočjo barvnih svetlobnih dražljajev v prostoru, ki se prilagajajo posameznikovi ravni pozornosti v realnem času. To predstavlja prvi korak k uporabi tehnologije za načrtovanje prostorov, ki bi stimulirali posameznike in jim omogočali, da hitreje in lažje pridejo v zanos. Magistrska naloga zajema tudi pregled trenutnih področij, kjer se tehnologija srečuje z zanosom, pregled študij, ki so preučevale vpliv svetlobe in barv na zanos, ter predstavitev metod merjenja zanosa. V okviru magistrske naloge je bil izveden eksperiment, kjer smo preverjali, ali ima takšen prostor vpliv na zanos posameznikov. Kot osrednja aktivnost v eksperimentu je bila izbrana igra Tetris. Ugotovitve eksperimenta so pokazale, da barvni dražljaji vplivajo na fizično izmerjeno pozornost posameznika, medtem ko ni bilo opaznih sprememb v odzivih, merjenih z vprašalniki in rezultatih igranja. Glede na to, da je pozornost eden izmed ključnih dejavnikov zanosa, bi lahko delno trdili, da so bili testiranci v zanosu, vendar bi za druge ugotovitve potrebovali več zanesljivejših podatkov. Te ugotovitve pomembno prispevajo k razumevanju merjenja in doseganja zanosa z uporabo tehnologije, kar predstavlja pomemben prispevek k razvoju tega področja. Rezultat naloge je obsežen pregled povezave med zanosom in tehnologijo ter praktičen preizkus uporabe tehnologije v povezavi z zanosom.

Keywords:zanos, optimalno izkustvo, uporabniˇska izkuˇsnja, tehnoloˇski vmesnik, Tetris
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160343 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207590147 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing the flow state experience using modern digital technologies
This Master's thesis focuses on the utilization of modern digital technologies to design a multimedia space aimed at inducing the state of flow in individuals. Flow is a psychological state characterized by deep immersion in an activity, leading to a loss of sense of time and external worries. Exiting this state typically results in feelings of satisfaction and happiness, which is a primary motivation for selecting this topic for the thesis. The main objective is to investigate whether this state can be achieved through the use of color light stimuli in a space that adapts to an individual's level of attention in real time. This represents a preliminary step towards utilizing technology to design spaces that stimulate individuals and facilitate quicker and easier attainment of flow. The thesis also includes a review of current areas where technology intersects with flow, an examination of studies that have explored the impact of light and color on flow, and an overview of methods for measuring flow. An experiment was conducted to test whether such a space affects individuals' flow. Tetris was chosen as the central activity in the experiment. The findings indicated that color stimuli influenced the participants' physically measured attention, although no significant changes were observed in responses measured by questionnaires or gameplay performance. Considering that attention is a crucial factor in achieving flow, it can be partially asserted that participants experienced flow, although more reliable data would be necessary for further conclusions. These findings significantly contribute to the understanding of measuring and achieving flow through technology, representing an important advancement in this field. The result of the thesis is a comprehensive review of the connection between flow and technology and a practical examination of the use of technology in relation to flow.

Keywords:flow, optimal experience, user experience, digital interface, Tetris

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