
Primerjalna analiza vzdržnosti pokojninskega sistema v Sloveniji in Danskem : magistrsko delo
ID Vuković, Aleksandra (Author), ID Klun, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vse države morajo skrbeti za svoje prebivalce, predvsem za starejše, ki niso več delovno sposobni in aktivni; zagotoviti morajo osebne prejemke. Ustrezen dohodek po delovni aktivnosti država zagotavlja s pravičnim pokojninskim sistemom. Opredelitev učinkovitega pokojninskega sistema, s katerim so vsi zadovoljni, je izredno težka naloga, saj ima vsak sistem svoje prednosti in slabosti. S predstavitvijo in analizo pokojninskih sistemov spoznamo, kateri pokojninski sistem zagotavlja več prednosti za upokojenca in ugotovimo, kako posamezna država z ustreznimi ukrepi zagotavlja primerno višino pokojnine. Kateri pokojninski sistem omogoča dostojno pokojnino in je hkrati kljub vsem vplivom finančno vzdržen, ugotavljamo s predstavitvijo pokojninskih sistemov ter analizo njihove vzdržnosti. Za teoretično predstavitev raziskovalne teme so uporabljene metoda kompilacije, metoda deskripcije, komparativna metoda in metoda sinteze. Osrednji del raziskovanja je izveden s pomočjo mešane metode raziskovanja in z uporabo sekundarnih podatkov. S pomočjo statistične in matematične metode so predstavljeni podatki, pridobljeni s pregledom literature. V okviru raziskave ugotavljamo, da vsaka država z različnimi ukrepi poskrbi za finančno vzdržnost pokojninskih sistemov. S pomočjo analize in primerjave različnih praks se opozori, katere ukrepe je treba implementirati v posamezni pokojninski sistem.

Keywords:pokojninski sistem, pokojnina, upokojenec, dohodek, finančna vzdržnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Vuković]
Number of pages:XI, 118 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160333 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205903619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparative analysis of the sustainability of the pension system in Slovenia and Denmark
All countries ought to ensure welfare for their citizens, especially for the elderly who are no longer able to work and be active; they must provide personal benefits. An adequate income after ceasing working life can only be guaranteed through a fair pension system. Defining an efficient pension system which would satisfy all requirements is a rather complex task considering that each system has its advantages and disadvantages. The thesis presents and analyzes various pension systems in order to gain understanding of which system has more advantages for a pensioner and find out how each country with appropriate measures provides the approprate amount of pension. Through presentation and analysis of pension systems and their sustainability we determine which system enables a decent pension and at the same time is financially sustainable for the government despite all the potential influences. Within the theoretical presentation of the research topic we deploy compilation method, additionally supported by descriptive method, comparative method and lastly the synthesis method. The pivotal part of the research is carried out with the help of a mixed method of research and the use of secondary data. By applying statistical and mathematical methods, we present the data obtained on the basis of the reviewed literature. As part of the research, it was identified that each country uses different measures to ensure the financial sustainability of pension systems. On the basis of performed analysis and comparison of different practices, the thesis concludes with recommendations which measures would be valuable to implement in a pension system.

Keywords:pension system, pension, retiree, income, financial sustainability

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