
Vloga mode v svetu umetnosti : diplomsko delo
ID Janež, Heidi (Author), ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Povezava med modo in umetnostjo se je v 20. stoletju razvijala kot nikoli prej, kar pa je privedlo do skorajšnjega brisanja meja mode in umetnosti. Mnogi teoretiki so prispevali k razpravam o tej temi, a modi še danes ni podeljen status umetnosti. Kljub temu da je vprašanje o modi kot obliki umetnosti povzročilo veliko kritik in nasprotujočih si mnenj, pa se moda in umetnost še vedno povezujeta ter vplivata ena na drugo. Moda je uporabljena kot sredstvo za posredovanje različnih vsebin. Za svoj medij si vzame telo, ki pa služi kot medij tudi umetniškemu performansu in body artu. Telo in živa telesna akcija sta dve ključni skupni točki performansa, body arta in modne performativnosti, ki se je začela že v 19. stoletju z Worthom. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vlogo mode v svetu umetnosti in raziskati, kako je moda lahko uporabljena kot sredstvo umetnosti. Imenovanje mode kot oblike umetnosti zaradi nasprotujočih si pogledov in številnih kritik ni korektno, zato je veliko bolj bistveno iskati njune povezave. V diplomskem delu smo ob primerih del modnih oblikovalcev, kot so John Galliano, Hussein Chalayan, Alexander McQueen in Iris van Herpen iskali odnos mode in umetnosti. V njihovem delu smo se osredotočili predvsem na povezave mode, performansa in body arta.

Keywords:Moda, Umetnost, telo, body art, performans
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:H. Janež
Number of pages:178 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160328 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205534723 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2024
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Title:Role of fashion in the world of art
The connection between fashion and art developed in the twentieth century like never before, which led to the near blurring of the boundaries between fashion and art. Many theorists have contributed to discussions on this topic, but fashion has not yet been granted the status of art. Despite the fact that the question of fashion as an art form has caused a lot of criticism and conflicting opinions, fashion and art still connect and influence each other. Fashion is used as a means of conveying various contents. It takes the body as its medium, which also serves as a medium for artistic performance and body art. The body and live bodily action are two key common points of performance, body art and fashion performativity, which began as early as the 19th century with Worth. The aim of the diploma thesis is to present the role of fashion in the world of art and to research how fashion can be used as a means of art. Calling fashion a form of art is not correct due to conflicting views and many criticisms, so it is much more essential to look for their connections. In the diploma thesis, we looked for the relationship between fashion and art using examples of the works of fashion designers such as John Galliano, Hussein Chalayan, Alexander McQueen and Iris van Herpen. In their work, we focused mainly on the connections between fashion, performance and body art.

Keywords:fashion, art, body, body art, performance

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