
Proces tranzicije spola in socialno delo
ID Dobnik, Tina (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Transspolni ljudje so skriti del naše družbe. O njih se redko govori, ko pa so del družbenega diskurza, so pogosto podvrženi stereotipom in predsodkom. Naša družba je prežeta s spolnim binarizmom, ki določa obstoj le dveh spolov, moškega in ženskega, ki sta določena ob rojstvu. Transspolne osebe občutijo neskladje med biološkim in družbenim spolom, kar povzroča notranje konflikte in psihološko stisko. Proces razkritja transspolne identitete je kompleksen in poln izzivov, saj je povezan s strahom pred diskriminacijo, zavrnitvijo s strani bližnjih in izgubo podpore. Transspolne osebe se pri razkritju svoje spolne identitete soočajo z različnimi izzivi in ovirami, ki izhajajo iz osebnih, socialnih, institucionalnih in kulturnih virov. Tranzicija spola je dolgotrajen proces, ki vključuje socialno in medicinsko tranzicijo. Socialna tranzicija je pogosto prvi korak, ki vključuje spremembo zaimkov, spremembo imena in spolnega izraza. Medicinska tranzicija, ki vključuje hormonsko terapijo in kirurške posege, je v Sloveniji dolgotrajna. Zaradi dolgotrajnega procesa medicinske tranzicije se podaljša vmesno obdobje, v katerem oseba prehaja med spoloma. V tem obdobju se oseba identificira v skladu s spolno identiteto, vendar telesne značilnosti še vedno bolj spominjajo na biološki spol, kar lahko povzroči neprijetnosti. V empiričnem delu sem izvedla kvalitativno študijo primera s transspolno žensko, ki je pred kratkim začela tranzicijo spola. Izvedla sem pet intervjujev, ki sem jih oblikovala tako, da se vsak sklop osredotoča na določen življenjski potek, saj me je zanimalo, kako transspolnost vpliva na življenjske poteke. Odgovorila sem na šest raziskovalnih vprašanj, ki sem si jih zastavila. Ugotovila sem, da se želja po spremembi spola lahko pojavi že v otroštvu skozi igro in domišljijo. Zaviralni dejavniki, kot so konservativna družina, finančna odvisnost od staršev, psihično nasilje v šoli in strah pred negativnimi odzivi, otežujejo razkritje spolne identitete. Transspolne osebe se pogosto soočajo z diskriminacijo in predsodki. Podporno okolje, prijatelji brez predsodkov, selitev v bolj sprejemajoče urbano okolje in podpora nevladnih organizacij pozitivno vplivajo na razkritje spolne identitete. Pomembno je, da imajo transspolne osebe varno in zaupno okolje za odkrit pogovor o svojih občutkih. Tako razkrita kot nerazkrita transspolnost vplivata na življenjske poteke.

Keywords:transspolnost, tranzicija spola, razkritje, spolna identiteta, izzivi tranzicije, izzivi razkritja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160324 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Transition of Gender and Social Work
Transgender people are a hidden part of our society. They are rarely spoken about, and when they are part of the social discourse, they are often subject to stereotypes and prejudice. Our society is permeated by a gender binarism that stipulates the existence of only two sexes - male and female, determined at birth. Transgender people experience a discrepancy between their biological and social gender, which causes internal conflicts and psychological distress. The process of coming out as transgender is complex and challenging, involving fear of discrimination, rejection by loved ones and loss of support. Transgender people face a variety of challenges and obstacles in disclosing their gender identity, stemming from personal, social, institutional and cultural sources. Gender transition is a long process involving social and medical transition. Social transition is often the first step, involving pronoun change, name change and gender expression. The medical transition, which includes hormone therapy and surgery, is lengthy in Slovenia. The lengthy process of medical transition prolongs the period in which a person transitions between the sexes. During this period, the person identifies according to gender identity, but the physical characteristics still resemble more closely the biological sex, which can cause discomfort. In the empirical part, I conducted a qualitative case study with a transgender woman who had recently started gender transition. I conducted five interviews, which I designed so that each set focused on a particular life course, as I was interested in how transgender affects life courses. I answered the six research questions I had set myself. I found that gender reassignment can occur as early as childhood, through expressed desires through play and imagination. Inhibiting factors such as a conservative family, financial dependence on parents, psychological violence at school and fear of a negative reaction makes it difficult to disclose one's gender identity. Transgender people often face discrimination and prejudice. A supportive environment, friends without prejudice, moving to a more accepting urban environment and support from NGOs have a positive impact on the disclosure of gender identity. It is important that transgender people have a safe and confidential environment to talk openly about their feelings. Whether or not transgender people are out or out of the closet has an impact on their life course.

Keywords:transgender, gender transition, disclosure, gender identity, challenges of transition, challenges of disclosure

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