
Vpliv izpiranja internega vodovodnega omrežja na prisotnost cinka, svinca in železa : magistrsko delo
ID Klančnik, Monika (Author), ID Oder, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Poljšak, Borut (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Pitna voda za ljudi ne sme predstavljati tveganja za zdravje. Zdravstveno ustrezno pitno vodo je potrebno zagotavljati v celotnem vodovodnem omrežju, vse do končnega uporabnika. Redno vzdrževanje internega vodovodnega omrežja je pomembno zaradi zagotavljanja kakovosti predhodno zdravstveno ustrezne pitne vode. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je preveriti, ali zastajanje pitne vode v internem vodovodnem omrežju povzroči povišanje koncentracij cinka, svinca in železa ter ali lahko z izpiranjem internega vodovodnega omrežja te koncentracije znižamo. Metode dela: V magistrskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s kritično analizo domače in tuje literature, pregled rezultatov že opravljenih vzorčenj in analiz pitne vode na različnih objektih in pred izpiranjem in po izpiranju internega vodovodnega omrežja, kjer se je pokazal trend prehajanja kovin v vodo internega vodovodnega omrežja. Izvedli smo pet vzorčenj in analiz na prisotnost cinka, svinca in železa v izbranem objektu pred izpiranjem in po izpiranju internega vodovodnega omrežja. Rezultati: Z zbranimi rezultati predhodnih vzorčenj v različnih objektih smo dobili informacijo, da z izpiranjem internega vodovodnega omrežja presežene mejne vrednosti cinka, svinca in železa lahko zmanjšamo tako, da so te vrednosti pod mejnimi vrednostmi. Z vzorčenjem in analizami pitne vode v izbranem objektu smo ugotovili, da je 48 ur zastajanja pitne vode dovolj, da pride do povišanja koncentracij cinka in železa. Vrednosti cinka so bile povišane, vendar mejne vrednosti niso bile presežene. Z izpiranjem internega vodovodnega omrežja v izbranem objektu so se vrednosti znižale do te mere, da so bili vzorci skladni z določili Uredbe o pitni vodi. Razprava in zaključek: Z zbranimi podatki predhodnih vzorčenj in rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili z vzorčenjem in analizami v tej raziskavi lahko zaključimo, da je izpiranje internega vodovodnega omrežja pomembno z vidika zniževanja preseženih mejnih vrednosti cinka, svinca in železa, ki se pojavijo v pitni vodi kot posledica zastajanja pitne vode v internem vodovodnem omrežju. Ugotovili smo, da smo z izpiranjem internega vodovodnega omrežja uspešno znižali presežene mejne vrednosti analiziranih parametrov, zato bi bilo pomembno, da se o pomenu izpiranja internih vodovodnih sistemov po daljši stagnaciji vode ozavešča širšo javnost.

Keywords:magistrska dela, sanitarno inženirstvo cink, svinec, železo, pitna voda, zastajanje pitne vode, interno vodovodno omrežje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Klančnik]
Number of pages:38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160321 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205220611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of flushing of the internal water network on the presence of zink, lead and iron : master thesis
Introduction: Drinking water should not pose a health risk to humans. It is necessary to provide medically appropriate drinking water in the entire water supply network all the way to the end user. Regular maintenance of the internal water supply network is important in order to maintain previously healthy drinking water. Purpose: The purpose of the master's thesis is to check whether the stagnation of drinking water in the internal water supply network causes an increase in the concentrations of zinc, lead and iron, and whether these concentrations can be reduced by flushing the internal water supply system. Methods: The master's thesis uses a descriptive method with a critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature, a review of the results of already performed sampling and analysis of drinking water at various facilities, before and after the flushing of the internal water supply network where the trend of passing metals into the internal water supply network was shown. We carried out five samplings and analysis for the presence of zinc, lead and iron in the selected facility before and after flushing the internal water supply network. Results: With the collected results of previous samplings in various facilities we obtained information that by flushing the internal water supply network, the exceeded limit values of zinc, lead and iron can be reduced to below the limit values. By sampling and analysing the drinking water in the selected facility, we found that 48 hours of stagnation of drinking water in the internal network is enough for the concentration of zinc and iron to exceed the limit values. Zinc values were elevated, but limit values were not exceeded. By flushing the internal water supply network in the selected facility, the exceeded limit values were reduced to extent that the samples were compliant with the provisions of Uredba o pitni vodi. Discussion and conclusion: With the collected data of previous samplings and the results obtained through sampling and analysis in the research we can conclude that the flushing of the internal water supply network is important from the point of view of exceeded limit values of zinc, lead and iron, which appear in drinking water in the internal water supply network. We found that by flushing the internal water supply network, we successfully reduced the exceeded threshold values of the analysed parameters, so it would be important to raise awareness of the importance of flushing internal water supply systems after a long period of water stagnation to the general public.

Keywords:master's theses, sanitary engineering, zink, lead, iron, drinking water, stagnation of drinking water, internal water supply network

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