
Suburbanizacija na funkcionalnem urbanem območju Kranja
ID Hočevar, Dolores (Author), ID Rebernik, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Suburbanizacija, kot kompleksen fenomen širjenja urbanih območij zunaj mestnih središč, je rezultat interakcij med ekonomskimi, socialnimi, demografskimi in prostorskimi dejavniki. V okviru diplomskega dela sistematično analiziram fenomen suburbanizacije, s posebnim poudarkom na njegovem vplivu v slovenskem prostoru, zlasti v kontekstu mesta Kranj. Preko analize ključnih kazalnikov in podatkov proučujemo dejavnike, ki so prispevali k širitvi območja mesta Kranj in posledic, ki se odražajo v posameznih naseljih. Metodologija raziskave obsega pregled literature, analizo statističnih podatkov, terensko opazovanje ter izvedbo anket med lokalnim prebivalstvom. Analiza suburbanizacije in njenih učinkov izpostavlja kompleksnost družbeno-ekonomskega procesa. Premik prebivalstva in gospodarskih dejavnosti iz mest v obmestje prinaša številne spremembe v življenjskem slogu in prostorski strukturi naselij. Učinki vključujejo demografske, socialne in ekonomske spremembe ter okoljske posledice, kot so izguba habitatov in povečano onesnaženje. Analiza Kranja in njegovega območja razkriva podobne trende. Kljub relativnemu zadovoljstvu prebivalcev s svojim okoljem so infrastrukturni izzivi in potreba po trajnostnem razvoju ključni. Prihodnji razvoj bo odvisen od ustreznega naslavljanja teh izzivov in zadovoljevanja potreb prebivalcev za kakovostno bivanje.

Keywords:suburbanizacija, urbanizacija, obmestje, prostorski razvoj, Kranj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160318 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Suburbanization in the functional urban area of Kranj
Suburbanization, as a complex phenomenon of urban areas expanding beyond city centers, results from interactions among economic, social, demographic, and spatial factors. In the scope of this thesis, I systematically analyze the phenomenon of suburbanization, with a specific focus on its impact in the Slovenian context, particularly in the city of Kranj. Through the analysis of key indicators and data, we examine the factors contributing to the expansion of Kranj's urban area and the resulting consequences in individual settlements. The research methodology encompasses a literature review, statistical data analysis, field observations, and surveys among local residents. Analyzing suburbanization and its effects highlights the complexity of the socio-economic process. The shift of population and economic activities from cities to suburban areas brings numerous changes in lifestyle and spatial structure of settlements. Effects include demographic, social, and economic changes, as well as environmental consequences such as habitat loss and increased pollution. The analysis of Kranj and its surrounding area reveals similar trends. Despite relative satisfaction among residents with their environment, infrastructural challenges and the need for sustainable development are crucial. The future development will depend on addressing these challenges appropriately and meeting residents' needs for quality living.

Keywords:suburbanization, urbanization, suburb, spatial development, Kranj

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