
Analiza rentabilnosti prehoda iz ročne v avtomatizirano proizvodnjo
ID Dujc, Rudi (Author), ID Berlec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z razvojem družbe se je prav tako razvijala industrija, nove storitve in procesi, ki bi človeku lajšali in pomagali pri delu. Tako so se večala tudi podjetja in potrebe po izdelkih. Procese, ki so bili nekoč izvedeni s strani človeka, so pričeli nadomeščati krmiljeno vodeni roboti in enote. Zaradi tega so podjetja pričela posegati po avtomatiziranih modulih, ki ob pravilni logistiki in strategiji prihranijo veliko časa in doprinesejo k večjemu materialnem toku ter posledično dobičku. V tej diplomski nalogi se bomo bolje spoznali s pojmom »Notranja logistika«, ter spregovorili o lastnostih in pomembnosti le-tega. Spregovorili bomo tudi o uvedbi avtomatizacije v proizvodnjo, prednostih, slabostih in vplivih na podjetje za nemoteno delovanje in ustvarjanje dobička. Med drugim bomo v diplomskem delu s pomočjo simulacije prikazali primera mehanizirane in avtomatizirane proizvodnje ter ju analizirali. V obeh primerih bomo s pomočjo grafov in analiz prikazali kapaciteto, pretok in stroške proizvodnje. S končnima dvema grafoma pa bomo predstavili še rentabilnost obeh tipov proizvodnje.

Keywords:logistika, proizvodno podjetje, proizvodnja, mehanizirana proizvodnja, avtomatizirana proizvodnja, avtomatizacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160313 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the transition from manual to automated production
Along with humanity, industry, new services and processes that would facilitate and help people with their work also developed. Thus, companies and the need for products also increased. Processes that were once performed by humans began to be replaced by controlled robots and units. For this reason, companies have begun to use automated modules, which, with the right logistics and strategy, save a lot of time and contribute to a greater material flow and, consequently, profit. In this diploma thesis, we will get to know the concept of internal logistics better and talk about its features and importance. We will also talk about the introduction of automation in production, advantages, disadvantages and how it affects the company for smooth operation and profit generation. Among other things, with the help of simulation, in the thesis we will show and analyse examples of a mechanized and automated production. In both cases, we will use graphs and analyses to display the capacity, flow, and production costs. With the final two graphs, we will also present the profitability of both types of production.

Keywords:logistics, production industry, production, mechanized production, automated production, automation

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