
Vpliv virusnih okužb na proizvodnjo sekundarnih metabolitov pri izbranih kulturnih rastlinah
ID Vodopivc, Anamarie (Author), ID Štajner, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Virusi so patogeni, ki povzročajo velike izgube pridelka v kmetijstvu. Rastlinam pri zaščiti pred njimi pomagajo sekundarni metaboliti (SM), ki imajo pomembno ekološko vlogo. Njihove lastnosti omogočajo obrambo pred patogeni (virusi, bakterije, glive) in tudi pred abiotskimi dejavniki. Identificiramo in kvantificiramo jih s spektrometričnimi in kromatografskimi analiznimi tehnikami. Virusna okužba vpliva na biosintezo in sestavo SM. V nalogi so predstavljeni in opisani tudi naravni mehanizmi obrambe, ki so jih rastline razvile pred virusi in drugimi patogeni. V hmelju so pomembni terpeni, kamor sodijo alfa in beta kisline, ki so odgovorne za okus in aromo piva, ter monoterpen beta-mircen. V primeru vinske trte in tobaka je poudarek na fenolnih spojinah, predvsem flavonoidih in skopoletinu. Nižje koncentracije SM v rastlini ne pomenijo samo nižje odpornosti in večje občutljivosti na stresne dejavnike, ampak tudi slabšo kakovost pridelka. Pri opisanih kulturnih rastlinah so virusne okužbe negativno vplivale na fiziološke procese rastlin, kar znižuje ekonomsko vrednost produktov v pivovarstvu, vinarstvu in tobačni industriji.

Keywords:sekundarni metaboliti, terpeni, fenole spojine, alkaloidi, virusne okužbe, rastlinski obrambni mehanizmi, hmelj, vinska trta, tobak
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160296 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205341443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of virus infection on the secondary metabolite production in selected crops
Viruses are pathogens that cause significant crop losses in agriculture. Plants are aided in their defense against them by SM, which play an important ecological role. Their properties enable defense against pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) and against abiotic factors. They are identified and quantified using spectrometric and chromatographic analytical techniques. Viral infection affects the biosynthesis and composition of SM. The natural defense mechanisms that plants have developed against viruses and other pathogens are also presented and described. In hops, important terpenes include alpha and beta acids, which are responsible for the taste and aroma of beer, and the monoterpene beta-myrcene. In the case of grapevines and tobacco, the focus is on phenolic compounds, mainly flavonoids and scopoletin. Lower concentrations of SM in the plant not only mean lower resistance and greater sensitivity to stress factors but also poorer crop quality. In the described cultivated plants, viral infections have negatively affected the physiological processes of the plants, reducing the economic value of products in the brewing, winemaking, and tobacco industries.

Keywords:secondary metabolites, terpenes, phenolic compounds, alkaloids, viral infections, plant defense mechanisms, hops, grapevine, tobacco

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