
Izražanje čustev na delovnem mestu – primer upravne enote
ID Kralj, Pija Lucija (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Povzetek diplomskega dela V teoretičnem uvodu sem začela z definiranjem pojma čustev s posebnim poudarkom na čustvih na delovnem mestu in z njimi povezanim pojmom čustvenega oz. emocionalnega dela. Na kratko sem predstavila vpliv in pomen čustvenih konfliktov na delovnem mestu ter spremembe na tem področju, povezane z vplivom pandemije. Predstavila sem tudi vlogo socialnega dela na tem področju in upravne enote kot delovnega okolja, ki ga raziskujem. S kvalitativno raziskavo na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu osmih zaposlenih v Upravni enoti Mozirje sem želela izvedeti, s kakšnimi izzivi se soočajo pri izražanju čustev na delovnem mestu in katerih strategij ravnanja s čustvi se pri delu poslužujejo. Zastavila sem si tudi raziskovalna vprašanja, ki se dotikajo doživljanja tehnoloških sprememb, novih oblik komuniciranja ter praks in dogodkov za izboljšanje čustvenega vzdušja in uspešnosti pri delu. Raziskovalna vprašanja so se dotikala tudi hierarhičnih nivojev in njihovega vpliva na doživljanje čustev ter doživljanja vloge socialnega delavca oziroma delavke kot kadra za pomoč pri ustvarjanju kulture na delovnem mestu, ki podpira čustveno izražanje. Ugotovila sem, da se zaposleni v Upravni enoti Mozirje pogosteje soočajo z negativnimi čustvi, kot so strah, jeza in razočaranje, pozitivna čustva, kot je veselje, pa so redkeje izpostavljena, a kljub temu pomembna za odnose med sodelavci. Pozitivna čustva lahko ustvarijo spodbudno delovno okolje. Zaposleni poudarjajo pomen komunikacijskih spretnosti za učinkovito delo. Zaposleni na vodilnih mestih pogosto izražajo negativna čustva, vendar se zavoljo učinkovitega dela zavedajo potrebe po njihovem obvladovanju. Zaposleni na nižjih ravneh pogosto čutijo potrebo po zatiranju čustev, zlasti pri stiku s strankami. Upravljanje s čustvi na delovnem mestu je ključnega pomena za dobro počutje zaposlenih in uspešnost pri delu. Moja raziskava v Upravni enoti Mozirje prikazuje, kako zaposleni obvladujejo svoja čustva pri stiku s strankami. Ena pogostih strategij je postavljanje meja, kar pomaga pri ohranjanju objektivnosti in profesionalnosti ter ločevanju med službenim in zasebnim življenjem. Raznolikost obstoječih strategij upravljanja s čustvi kaže na potrebo po individualno prilagojenih strategijah in podpori za zaposlene. Uspešno sodelovanje zaposlenih temelji na medsebojnem razumevanju in deljenju skupnih vrednot ter norm, kar izboljšuje delovne naloge. Večina zaposlenih prepoznava pomembno vlogo socialnega delavca, ki vključuje varovanje pred nasiljem, čustveno podporo, posredovanje v konfliktih, preprečevanje mobinga in pripravo poročil. Zaupajo v njegov prispevek k dostojanstvu zaposlenih. Kljub temu mnogi dvomijo o kompetentnosti socialnega delavca, zlasti pri spodbujanju čustvenega izražanja, in menijo, da bi bili psihologi primernejši. Pojavlja se tudi nejasnost glede vloge socialnega dela; nekateri vidijo socialne delavce kot potencialne motivatorje, koristne pri oceni skupinske dinamike in sodelovanju s strokovnjaki. Kljub dvomom mnogi še vedno prepoznavajo pomembnost socialnih delavcev za varno in podporno delovno okolje.

Keywords:Čustva na delovnem mestu, socialno delo, kvalitativna analiza, upravljanje čustev, strategije doživljanja čustev, upravna enota
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160277 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Expressing emotions in the workplace - administrative unit
Graduation Thesis Abstract In the theoretical introduction, I started by defining the concept of emotions, with a particular focus on emotions in the workplace and the related concept of emotional/emotional labour. I briefly outlined the impact and importance of emotional conflicts in the workplace and the changes in this area related to the impact of the pandemic. I also presented the role of social work in this field and the administrative units as a work environment that I am researching. Through qualitative research with a non-probability convenience sample of eight employees in the Mozirje Administrative Unit, I aimed to find out what challenges they face in expressing emotions at work and what strategies they use to deal with emotions at work. I also set myself research questions concerning the experience of technological change and new forms of communication, as well as practices and events to improve the emotional climate and performance at work. The research questions also touched on hierarchical levels and their impact on the experience of emotions, and on the experience of the role of the social worker as a staff member to help create a workplace culture that supports emotional expression. I found that in the Mozirje Administrative Unit, employees are more likely to experience negative emotions such as fear, anger and frustration, while positive emotions such as joy are less frequently expressed, but are nevertheless important for relationships between colleagues. Positive emotions can create a supportive work environment. Employees stress the importance of communication skills for effective work. Employees in managerial positions often express negative emotions but are aware of the need to manage them in order to work effectively. At lower levels, however, employees often feel the need to suppress emotions, especially when dealing with customers. Managing emotions in the workplace is key to employee wellbeing and performance at work. My research in the Mozirje administrative unit reveals how employees manage their emotions when dealing with customers. One common strategy is to set boundaries, which helps to maintain objectivity and professionalism and to keep work and personal life separate. The variety of existing strategies to manage emotions shows the need for tailored strategies and support for employees. Successful employee collaboration is based on mutual understanding and sharing of common values and norms, which improves work tasks. Most employees recognise the important role of the social worker, which includes protection from violence, emotional support, conflict mediation, prevention of mobbing and reporting. They have confidence in their contribution to the dignity of their employees. However, many question the competence of the social worker, especially in promoting emotional expression, and consider that psychologists would be more appropriate. There is also confusion about the role of social work; some see social workers as potential motivators and helpful in assessing group dynamics and working with professionals. Despite these doubts, many still recognise the importance of social workers for a safe and supportive working environment.

Keywords:Emotions at work, social work, qualitative analysis, emotion management, strategies for experiencing emotions, administrative unit

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