
Študija primera femicida
ID Časar, Deja (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu se osredotočam na femicid, ki je bil posledica intimnopartnerskega nasilja. V teoretičnem uvodu pričnem z nasiljem nad ženskami, kjer opisujem različne spolne vloge žensk in moških teh njihov vpliv na pojmovanje nasilja, ki ga v nadaljevanju tudi definiram. Dotaknem se tudi načina presojanja nasilnih dejanj. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega uvoda se osredotočam na intimnopartnersko nasilje, ki ga definiram, opišem vzorce ter navedem nekatera dejanja, ki žrtvi povzročijo škodo. Opišem dejavnike ter profile povzročiteljev intimnopartnerskega nasilja na podlagi njihovih osebnostnih značilnosti. Sledi opis oblik nasilja, kjer pri opisovanju psihičnega nasilja opozarjam na različno občutljivost na psihično nasilje v primerjavi s fizičnim. Osredotočam se tudi na ljubosumnost oziroma moško spolno posestništvo. Teoretični uvod zaključim z definiranjem femicida, opisom različnih značilnosti, ki so povezane z izvedbo kaznivega dejanja. Dotaknem se tudi same klasifikacije kaznivega dejanja (umor ali uboj). V empiričnem delu predstavljam značilnosti izvedene kvalitativne študije primera ter rezultate, pridobljene s pomočjo analize raziskovalno dnevniških zapisov z obravnav ter dveh intervjujev, katerih namen je bil razjasnitev določenih okoliščin. Populacijo predstavljajo ženske s stalnim prebivališčem v Republiki Sloveniji, ki so bile žrtve intimnopartnerskega nasilja in so bile v letu 2022 umorjene s strani partnerjev. Vzorec je priložnostni in neslučajnostni. V raziskavi se osredotočim na delovanje obrambe in tožilstva, tehnike zagovora kaznivega dejanja, nadziranje ter posesivnost, ki se izraža kot ljubosumnost. Postavila sem štiri raziskovalna vprašanja, s katerimi želim ugotoviti, kaj se je v družini dogajalo pred, med in po kritičnem dogodku, kakšen je zagovor storilca kaznivega dejanja ter kateri dejavniki bodo vplivali na klasifikacijo kaznivega dejanja. Zanima me tudi, kakšna je bila vloga različnih institucij, kot sta center za socialno delo in policija, pri zaščiti žrtve intimnopartnerskega nasilja. Ugotovila sem, da je bila pokojna pred kritičnim dogodkom žrtev fizičnega, spolnega in psihičnega nasilja. slednje se je kazalo skozi manipulacijo, ljubosumje oz. spolno posestništvo, nadzorovanje (kamere v hiši, snemanje zasebnih pogovorov, določanje ure prihoda iz službe, pregledi telefonov ipd.). Obtoženi je pokojno najprej stiskal za vratne žile z ročajem platnene vrečke, nato jo je še zabodel s kuhinjskim nožem. Način izvedbe kaznivega dejanja tako kaže na obtoženčevo odločnost, da partnerko ubije. Obtoženi je nasilje, ki ga je izvajal nad pokojno, minimiziral, normaliziral ter krivdo za nasilje in umor, pripisoval pokojni. Center za socialno delo pokojne ni obravnaval v postopku zaščite žrtve. Policija nasilja ni obravnavala. Na pogovoru s pokojno niso zaznali, da bi bila žrtev nasilja oz. so podcenili stopnjo tveganja in nevarnosti. Obtoženi je kaznivo dejanje zagovarjal na način, da je krivdo zanj pripisoval žrtvi, ki bi ga naj izzvala, on pa je odreagiral na mah. Na klasifikacijo kaznivega dejanja kot umora je vplivala ljubosumnost obtoženca, izvedenska mnenja, nadzorovanje pokojne s kamerami.

Keywords:intimnopartnersko nasilje, femicid, psihično nasilje, nadzorovanje, posesivnost, študija primera
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160274 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:A Case Study of Femicide
In my master's thesis, I focus on femicide, which was the result of intimate partner violence. In the theoretical introduction, I started with violence against women, where I describe the different gender roles of women and men and their influence on the concept of violence, which I also define below. I also touch on the way of judging violent acts. In continuation of the theoretical introduction, I focus on intimate partner violence, which I define, describe patterns, and list some actions that cause harm to the victim. I describe the factors and profiles of perpetrators of intimate partner violence based on their personality characteristics. The following is a description of the forms of violence, where when describing psychological violence, I draw attention to the different sensitivity to psychological violence compared to physical violence. I also focus on jealousy or male sexual ownership. I conclude the theoretical introduction with a definition of femicide and a description of the various characteristics associated with the execution of the crime. I also touch on the classification of the crime itself (murder or manslaughter). In the empirical part, I present the characteristics of the conducted qualitative case study and the results obtained through the analysis of research diary entries from the hearings and two interviews, the purpose of which was to clarify certain circumstances. The population is represented by women with permanent residence in the Republic of Slovenia, who were victims of intimate partner violence and were murdered by their partners in 2022. The sample is casual and non-random. In my research, I focused on the functioning of the defense and the prosecution, on the techniques of defending a criminal offense, and on control and possessiveness, which is expressed as jealousy. I asked myself four research questions I want to find out what happened in the family before, during, and after the critical event, what is the defense of the perpetrator of the crime, and what factors will influence the classification of the crime. I am also interested in the role of various institutions, such as the social work center and the police, in protecting victims of intimate partner violence. I found out that the deceased was a victim of physical, sexual, and psychological violence before the critical event. The latter manifested itself through manipulation, jealousy or sexual possession, surveillance (cameras in the house, recording of private conversations, determining the time of arrival from work, checking phones, etc.). The accused first squeezed the deceased's jugular veins with the handle of a canvas bag, then stabbed her with a kitchen knife. How the crime was committed thus indicates the defendant's determination to kill his partner. The accused minimized and normalized the violence he had inflicted on the deceased and attributed the guilt for the violence and murder to the deceased. The Center for Social Work did not consider the deceased in the victim protection procedure. The police did not address the violence. During the conversation with the deceased, they did not perceive that she was a victim of violence. The police underestimated the level of risk and danger. The accused defended the crime so that he attributed the blame to the victim, who allegedly provoked him, and he reacted to the matter. The classification of the crime as murder was influenced by the defendant's jealousy, expert opinions, and surveillance of the deceased with cameras.

Keywords:intimate partner violence, femicide, psychological violence, control, possessiveness, case study

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