
Vloga družine pri socialni integraciji otrok z oviranostmi
ID Grandl Meznarič, Nikita (Author), ID Zorn, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala vlogo družine pri socialni integraciji otrok z oviranostmi. V raziskavi me je zanimalo, kakšno vlogo ima družina pri tem in na kakšen način se otroci z oviranostmi socialno integrirajo. V pregledu problematike sem najprej opisala, kdo so otroci z oviranostmi, kakšne vrste oviranosti poznamo ter s kakšnimi omejitvami se ti otroci srečujejo pri socialni integraciji. Zatem sem opisala pojem socialne integracije. Pri tem sem opisala proces socialne integracije, naštela modele socialne integracije, ki jih poznamo, opisala, kako se osebe z oviranostmi vključujejo v različna področja družbenega življenja, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešno integracijo oseb z oviranostmi, in dejavnike, ki socialno integracijo teh oseb zavirajo. Opisala sem teorijo navezanosti, vzgojne stile in izpostavila podporo in komunikacijo v družini ter vlogo družine v procesu vključevanja otrok. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšno vlogo ima družina pri socialni integraciji otroka ter s pomočjo rezultatov tudi podati predloge za izboljšanje socialne integracije otrok z oviranostmi. Zastavila sem naslednja raziskovalna vprašanja: koliko in na kakšne načine se otroci z ovirami vključujejo v lokalno skupnost? Kako družina prispeva k vključenosti otrok z oviro v lokalno skupnost in družbene dejavnosti? Kako komunikacija z otrokom vpliva na socialno vključenost otrok z oviro? Kako zunanji dejavniki v družbi vplivajo na socialno vključenost otrok z oviro? Kako družina pomaga otroku z oviro pri zagovarjanju njegovih pravic, dostopu do storitev in prilagoditvah, ki omogočajo boljšo socialno vključenost? Kakšno vlogo imajo strokovne delavke pri socialni integraciji otroka z oviro? Uporabila sem kvalitativno raziskovanje, za pridobivanje podatkov pa sem izvajala delno strukturirane intervjuje s šestimi starši otrok z oviranostmi ter štiri intervjuje s strokovnimi delavkami, ki delajo z otroki z oviranostmi in njihovimi družinami. Merski instrument, ki sem ga uporabila, je vodilo za intervju, v katerem sem se osredotočila na teme moje raziskave ter vsaki pripisala tudi vprašanja in podvprašanja. Pridobljene podatke sem kvalitativno analizirala in zapisala rezultate. Ugotovila sem, da ima družina ključno vlogo pri socialni integraciji otroka z oviro, saj mu nudi podporo, razumevanje in spodbude. Starši opazujejo, podpirajo in spodbujajo svoje otroke, kar jim pomaga pri tem, da se lažje in bolje socialno integrirajo. Na koncu sem podala še predloge za izboljšanje socialne integracije otrok z oviranostmi in predloge za nadgraditev moje raziskave.

Keywords:otroci z oviranostmi, socialna integracija, vloga družine, strokovne delavke
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160272 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of the family in the social integration of children with disabilities
In my master’s thesis I researched the role of the family in the social integration of children with disabilities. In my research, I am interested in the role of the family in the way children with disabilities are socially integrated. In the overview of the problem, I first described who children with disabilities are, what types of disabilities we know and what limitations these children face in terms of social integration. Then I discussed the concept of social integration. I described the process of social integration, listed the models of social integration, described how people with disabilities integrate into different areas of social life and described the factors that influence the successful integration of people with disabilities and factors that inhibit the social integration of these people. Finally, I focused on the concept of family, describing the theory of attachment, enumerating and describing parenting styles and writing something about family support, communication within the family and the role of the family in the process of integration. The aim of the research was to determine the role of the family in the social integration of children and, with the help of the results, to make proposals for improving the social integration of children with disabilities. I asked the following research questions: How much and in what ways are children with disabilities involved in the local community? How does the family contribute to the inclusion of children with disabilities in the local community and social activities? How does communication with children affect the social inclusion of children with disabilities? How do social factors affect the social inclusion of children with disabilities? How does the family help a child with a disability to defend their rights, access services and make adjustments that enable better social inclusion? What role do professionals play in the social integration of children with disabilities? I used qualitative research, and to obtain data, I conducted partially structured interviews with six parents of children with disabilities and four interviews with professionals working with children with disabilities and their families. The measuring instrument I used was the guide for the interview, in which I focused on the topics of my research and assigned questions and sub-questions to each. I analyzed the data qualitatively and recorded the results. I have found that the family plays a key role in the social integration of a child with a disability, providing support, understanding and encouragement. Parents observe, support and encourage their children, which helps them to integrate more easily and better into society. Finally, I made suggestions for improving the social integration of children with disabilities and suggestions for upgrading my research.

Keywords:children with disabilities, social integration, role of the family, professional workers

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