
Avtonomija migracij (Begunska perspektiva)
ID Arkawi, Samer (Author), ID Kurnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je analizirati koncept avtonomije migraciji ustvarjanja narative o migracijah ter razmerja moči med državo in begunci. Namen raziskave je opredeliti avtonomijo migracij preko različnih avtorjev ter razviti teoretski okvir z uporabo literature o konceptu avtonomije migracij, preko avtoetnografske raziskave, intervjujev in pogovorov s petimi različnimi begunci, ki služijo kot vodilo za raziskovanje in prehajanje med različnimi fazami izkušnje migracij. Na podlagi osebnih izkušenj vidim begunce in migrante kot strokovnjake, njihovo sodelovanje pri oblikovanju narativa pa je tisto, ki zgodbo dopolnjuje. V svojo raziskavo vključujem tudi svojo osebno izkušnjo kot orodje za razmislek in kritiko koncepta avtonomije migracij. Magistrsko delo poudarja delovanje in upor migrantov in beguncev v njihovih vsakodnevnih izkušnjah mobilnosti in dela ter poudarja njihovo vlogo aktivnih akterjev pri premagovanju dinamike moči, kot so izkoriščanje, diskriminacija in marginalizacija. Poudarja tudi kompleksno naravo migracij, pri čemer izpostavlja družbene, ekonomske in kulturne kontekste, ki oblikujejo njihovo vsakdanje življenje. Uporaba avtoetnografskih raziskav in osebnih pripovedi omogoča niansirano razumevanje avtonomije migracij, s čimer izpodbija prevladujoče diskurze, ki migrante pogosto prikazujejo kot težave ali grožnje. Ta pristop je v skladu z avtotnomijo migracij, saj poudarja agencijo, odpornost in ustvarjalnost migrantov ter zagotavlja globlje razumevanje migracijske izkušnje.

Keywords:Avtonomija migracij, Prosilci za azil, Begunci, Migranti, Narativ
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160267 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Title:The autonomy of migration (Refugee perspective)
This master thesis aims to analyse the concept of autonomy of migration, or AoM, and the production of the narrative of the different stages of migration from emergence to integration, as well as the power relations between the state and refugees. The research aims to define the AoM by various authors by developing a theoretical framework using the literature on the concept of AoM, autoethnographic research, interviews, and discussions with five different refugees as a guiding tool to research and move between different stages of the experience of migration. Based on my personal experience, I see refugees and migrants as experts, and their participation in constructing the narrative on migration from emergence to integration is what completes the story. As a result, in my thesis, I will incorporate my personal experience as a tool of reflection and criticism of the concept of AoM. This thesis emphasises the agency and resistance of migrants and refugees in their daily experiences of mobility and work, highlighting their role as active agents in navigating power dynamics such as exploitation, discrimination, and marginalisation. It also highlights the complex nature of migration, highlighting the social, economic, and cultural contexts that shape their daily lives. The use of autoethnographic research and personal narratives provides a nuanced understanding of migration's autonomy, thereby challenging dominant discourses that often portray migrants as problems or threats. This approach aligns with AoM, highlighting migrants' agency, resilience, and creativity and providing a deeper understanding of the migratory experience.

Keywords:Autonomy of migration, Asylum seekers, Refugees, Migrants, Narrative

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