
Povezave vsebin kulturne dediščine in sodobnih umetniških praks pri pouku likovne umetnosti v 3. VIO : primer panjskih končnic
ID Milar, Laura (Author), ID Potočnik, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vsebine kulturne dediščine in vsebine sodobnih umetniških praks lahko učencem predstavljajo izzive. Oblikovali in izvedli smo učno dejavnost, kjer smiselno povezujemo omenjene vsebine na primeru panjskih končnic ter predstavili pridobljene rezultate. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili posebnosti vsebin kulturne dediščine in sodobnih umetniških praks, še posebej na primeru panjskih končnic. Predstavili smo motiviko panjskih končnic in aktualnih vsebin v povezavi s sodobnimi umetniškimi praksami (s poudarkom na današnjem odnosu do sočloveka). V literaturi smo se posebej osredinili na vire, ki predstavljajo most med vsebinami kulturne dediščine in sodobnimi umetniškimi praksami. Posebno pozornost smo namenili vsebinam, ki se povezujejo s kontekstom panjskih končnic in predstavili njihove posebnosti. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili odnos učencev in učitelja do vsebin kulturne dediščine in sodobnih umetniških praks pri pouku likovne umetnosti v 3. VIO OŠ. Z učenkami osmega razreda smo izvedli likovno dejavnost, ki je bila osredinjena na njihov odziv o aktualnih tematikah današnjega časa, in sicer na neenakost spolov, o predsodkih in stereotipih do drugih ras, narodnosti, starosti itd. Poleg nastalih likovnih del in učenčevega vrednotenja v zvezi z nastalimi likovnimi izdelki smo izvedli tudi pogovor z učiteljico in učenkami o njihovem odnosu do posebnosti kulturne dediščine in sodobne umetnosti.

Keywords:Likovna vzgoja in izobraževanje, Panjske končnice, odnos do kulturne dediščine, sodobne umetniške prakse, pouk likovne umetnosti, likovna dejavnost v šoli, neenakost spolov, rasizmi, predsodki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:L. Milar
Number of pages:40 str. + [11] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160266 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205264387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Connections between cultural heritage content and contemporary artistic practices in visual arts education from 6th to 9th grade : the example of beehive panels
Contents related to cultural heritage and contemporary artistic practices can pose challenges for students. We designed and conducted a learning activity where we meaningfully connected these contents, using the example of painted beehive panels, and presented the obtained results. In the theoretical part, we defined the specifics of cultural heritage content and contemporary artistic practices, particularly focusing on painted beehive panels. We presented the motifs of painted beehive panels and current themes related to contemporary artistic practices (with an emphasis on today's attitudes towards fellow humans). In the literature, we specifically focused on sources that serve as a bridge between cultural heritage content and contemporary artistic practices. Special attention was given to content related to the context of painted beehive panels and their particularities. In the empirical part, we presented the attitudes of students and the teacher towards cultural heritage and contemporary artistic practices in art classes in the third triad of primary school. With eighth-grade students, we conducted an art activity focused on their responses to the challenges of contemporary themes such as gender inequality, prejudices, and stereotypes towards other races, nationalities, ages, etc. In addition to the created artworks and the students' evaluations of these works, we also held a discussion with the teacher and students about their attitudes towards cultural heritage and contemporary art.

Keywords:attitudes towards cultural heritage, painted beehive panels, contemporary artistic practices, art activities in school, gender inequality, racism, prejudices

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