
Prekinitev pravdnega postopka v sodni praksi
ID Bandelj, Matic (Author), ID Pogorelčnik Vogrinc, Neža (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Prekinitev pravdnega postopka je relativno star ter v sodni praksi pogosto uporabljen procesni institut, ki ga ureja sedemnajsto poglavje ZPP z naslovom: »Prekinitev in mirovanje postopka«. Določbe ZPP o prekinitvi pravdnega postopka se sicer uporabljajo tudi za prekinitev drugih postopkov, v katerih se ta zakon subsidiarno uporablja (npr. v nepravdnem postopku). Tako v teoriji kot v sodni praksi je splošno sprejeto pravilo, da se (pravdni) postopek lahko prekine samo takrat, kadar nastopi z zakonom vnaprej predviden razlog za prekinitev postopka. Ti tako imenovani »prekinitveni razlogi«, taksativno podani v 205. in 206. členu ZPP, predstavljajo začasne okoliščine, ob nastopu katerih se postopek prekine. Sama prekinitev lahko nastopi bodisi ex lege v trenutku izpolnitve prekinitvenega razloga, pri čemer je sklep o prekinitvi zgolj deklaratorne narave, bodisi z izdajo sklepa o prekinitvi, ki pa je v tem primeru konstitutivne narave. Posledice prekinitve postopka ureja 207. člen ZPP, ki določa, da v času prekinitve prenehajo teči vsi roki, ki so določeni za pravdna dejanja, sodišče samo pa ne sme opravljati nobenih pravdnih dejanj. Isti člen določa tudi pomembno izjemo, ki je pogosto uporabljena, in sicer da lahko sodišče izda končno odločbo tudi v primeru, kadar je prekinitev postopka nastopila po koncu glavne obravnave. V sodni praksi se prav tako relativno pogosto pojavi vprašanje, kdaj se prekinjen postopek nadaljuje. Odgovor nanj, ki ga na splošno podaja 208. člen ZPP, se razlikuje glede na razlog, zaradi katerega je bil postopek prekinjen, sodna praksa pa je morala izoblikovati stališča glede nadaljevanja postopka v mnogih specifičnih situacijah. V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen institut prekinitve (pravdnega) postopka ter stališča sodne prakse, ki so se v zvezi z njim izoblikovala.

Keywords:Prekinitev postopka, prekinitveni razlogi, sklep o prekinitvi, konstitutivna narava, deklaratorna narava, posledice prekinitve, nadaljevanje postopka, pravni naslednik, pravdna sposobnost.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160210 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205225475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Suspension of litigation in judicial practice
The suspension of litigation is a relatively old and in judicial practice frequently used procedural institute regulated by the seventeenth chapter of the Civil Procedure Act (ZPP) titled: "Suspension and Dormancy of Proceeding." The provisions of the ZPP on the suspension of litigation are also applied to the suspension of other proceedings in which this law applies subsidiarily (e.g., in non-contentious proceedings). Both in theory and judicial practice, it is generally accepted that (litigation) proceeding can only be suspended when a legally predetermined reason for the suspension occurs. These so-called “suspension reasons” are exhaustively listed in Articles 205 and 206 of the ZPP and represent temporary circumstances under which the proceeding is suspended. The suspension itself can occur either ex lege at the moment the suspension reason is fulfilled, where the decision on suspension is merely declaratory, or at the moment the court issues a decision on suspension, which is of a constitutive nature. The consequences of the suspension of proceeding are regulated by Article 207 of the ZPP, which stipulates that during the suspension, all deadlines set for litigation actions cease to run, and the court must not perform any litigation acts. The same article also provides an important exception that is used frequently. The court may issue a final decision if the suspension of proceeding occurs after the main hearing has concluded. In judicial practice, the question of when the suspended proceeding will resume also arises relatively frequently. The answer on that, generally provided by Article 208 of the ZPP, varies depending on the reason for the suspension, and judicial practice had to establish positions on the resumption of proceeding in many specific situations. This master's thesis presents the institute of the suspension of (litigation) proceeding and the positions of judicial practice that have developed in this regard.

Keywords:Suspension of litigation, suspension reasons, declaratory nature, constitutive nature, consequences of suspension, resumption of a suspended proceeding, legal successor, litigation capacity.

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