
Električni servo volan električnega izvenkrmnega motorja
ID Makarovič, Staš (Author), ID Brojan, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je bil cilj razviti čim boljšo konstrukcijo električnega servovolana za električne izvenkrmne motorje z močjo do 5 kW. Prva stvar, ki je bila narejena v diplomski nalogi, je bila natančna analiza trga in tehnologij, ki bi jih lahko uporabili pri sami konstrukciji. Pri reševanju problema smo uporabili različne pristope za izbor najustreznejše konstrukcije, vključno z izdelavo funkcijske sheme, morfološke matrike, izrisom več iteracij ter tehničnim in ekonomskim vrednotenjem le-teh. Pri vrednotenju in izbiri najboljše konstrukcije smo morali natančno analizirati, kaj vsaka konstrukcijska rešitev prinese in kakšne so njene slabosti. Končna konstrukcija, ki je prejela najvišjo skupno oceno, je bila izbrana za nadaljnje načrtovanje. Ta konstrukcija je bila nato izrisana s pomočjo 3D-modelirnika.

Keywords:električni izvenkrmni motor, električni servo volan, pametna naprava, senzor navora, elektro motor, 3d model konstrukcije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160205 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Electric power steering of electric outboard motor
The aim of this work was to develop the best possible design of an electric power steering system for electric outboard motors with a power of up to 5 kW. The first thing that was done in the thesis was a thorough analysis of the market and technologies that could be used in the construction itself. To solve the problem, we used different approaches to select the most suitable design. This included creating a functional diagram, a morphological matrix, drawing several iterations and evaluating these designs technically and economically. In the evaluation and selection of the best design, we had to carefully analyze what each design solution offers and what its weaknesses are. The final design that received the highest overall score was selected for further design. This design was then modeled using a 3D modeling tool.

Keywords:electric outboard motor, electric power steering, smart device, torque sensor, electric motor, 3d model of structure

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