
Uporaba funkcijske rekonstrukcije porazdelitvene funkcije orientacij vlaken za napoved elastičnih lastnosti kompozitov
ID Kotnik, Urban (Author), ID Urevc, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Halilovič, Miroslav (Comentor)

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Orientacija vključkov znotraj polimerne matrice ima ključen vpliv na materialne lastnosti kompozita. Popišemo jo s porazdelitveno funkcijo orientacije vlaken (ODF). Do zdaj se je ODF rekonstruirala z razvojem vrste tenzorjev orientacij, kar lahko privede do številnih anomalij v funkcijski obliki ODF. S funkcijsko osnovano rekonstrukcijo do teh anomalij ne pride. Preveriti želimo, ali z uporabo te izboljšamo napoved elastičnih lastnosti kompozita. Obravnavali smo kompozit iz polipropilena, ojačan z lanenimi vlakni. Z numeričnimi metodami smo ODF rekonstruirali na oba načina za različne orientacije vlaken. Izvedli smo postopek orientacijskega povprečenja in določili tenzorje togosti. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da obe rekonstrukciji vrneta ekvivalentno napoved elastičnih lastnosti, zato zadostuje uporaba rekonstrukcije z vrsto, ki je numerično ugodna.

Keywords:funkcija porazdelitve orientacije vlaken, tenzor orientacije, funkcijsko osnovana rekonstrukcija, rekonstrukcija na osnovi vrste, orientacijsko povprečenje, kompoziti ojačani s kratkimi vlakni, elastične materialne lastnosti, anizotropija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160201 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2024
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Title:Usage of function based reconstruction of fiber orientation distribution function for predicting elastic properties of composites
The orientation of the inclusions within the polymer matrix has a key influence on the material properties of the composite. It is described by the fiber orientation distribution function (ODF). To date, the ODF has been reconstructed with a series-based apporoach, which can lead to several anomalies in the functional form of the ODF. With the function-based reconstruction, these anomalies do not occur. We propose that using this method improves the prediction of the elastic properties of the composite. We have considered a flax fiber reinforced polypropylene composite. Numerical methods were used to reconstruct the ODF in both ways for different fiber orientations. An orientation averaging procedure was performed and stiffness tensors were obtained. The results show that both reconstructions return an equivalent prediction of the elastic properties, so it is sufficient to use the series-based reconstruction that is computationally less demanding.

Keywords:fiber orientation distribution function, orientation tensor, function-based reconstruction, series-based reconstruction, orientation averaging, short fiber reinforced composites, elastic material properties, anisotropy

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