
Učinkovitost koncepta »igra-gibanje-razvoj« na trajnost znanja iz matematike in spremembe v ravnotežju v predšolskem obdobju : diplomsko delo
ID Miklavčič, Urška (Author), ID Mali Pisek, Urška (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo želeli ugotoviti, kako dejavnosti, izvajane po konceptu »igra–gibanje–razvoj« (v nadaljevanju koncept IGR), učinkujejo na trajnost znanja iz matematike in na krivuljo napredka v ravnotežju ter ugotoviti razlike v načrtovanju matematičnih dejavnosti po klasičnem načinu in po konceptu IGR. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 36 otrok starih 4–5 let, iz dveh različnih vrtcev. 18 otrok je bilo iz vrtca Gaj iz Domžal in so predstavljali eksperimentalno skupino. V kontrolni skupini je bilo 18 otrok iz zasebnega vrtca Zarja iz Kamnika. Obe skupini smo testirali z enako gibalno dejavnostjo, vsakič iz ravnotežja in iz znanja matematike. Otroke iz eksperimentalne skupine, ki so izvajali gibalne dejavnosti po konceptu IGR, smo testirali na začetku, na vsakih pet dejavnosti, po zaključku vseh dejavnosti ter na koncu raziskave za preizkus trajnostno pridobljenega znanja. Otroke iz kontrolne skupine, ki so izvajali dejavnosti iz področja matematike po kurikulumu (1999) na klasičen način, pa smo ravno tako testirali na začetku, po zaključku vseh dejavnosti ter na koncu raziskave za preizkus trajnostno pridobljenega znanja. Podatke obeh skupin, ki smo jih pridobili z gibalnim testom, smo obdelali z uporabo statističnega programa Excel. Za izračun napredka kontrolne in eksperimentalne skupine pri različnih matematičnih vsebinah smo od rezultata testiranja na koncu eksperimenta odšteli rezultate, ki smo jih dobili na začetnem testiranju. Rezultati naše raziskave kažejo, da načrtovane gibalne dejavnosti po konceptu IGR v obsegu trikrat tedensko pozitivno vplivajo tako na skupni napredek v ravnotežju, kot tudi na skupno oceno trajnosti znanja s področja matematike v primerjavi z vplivom dejavnosti, izvedenih na klasičen način po Kurikulumu za vrtce (1999), saj so bili otroci v eksperimentalni skupini uspešnejši na obeh področjih. Analiza posameznih testov je pokazala, da je trajnost znanja v povprečju pri vseh vsebinskih sklopih, razen pri razvrščanju, med skupinama različna.

Keywords:Predšolska vzgoja, Motorične sposobnosti, igra, gibanje, razvoj, predšolski otrok, ravnotežje, matematika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:U. Miklavčič, U. Mali Pisek
Number of pages:60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160191 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205443587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The effectiveness of the »Play-Movement-Development« concept on the sustainability of mathematics knowledge and balance changes in the preschool period
In this diploma paper, our objective was to investigate the impact of activities based on the "play–movement–development" concept (hereinafter referred to as the PMD concept) on the retention of mathematical knowledge and the progress curve in balance. Additionally, we aimed to identify differences in planning mathematical activities using the traditional method compared to the PMD concept. The study involved 36 children aged 4-5 years from two different kindergartens. Eighteen children from Gaj Kindergarten in Domžale constituted the experimental group, while the control group comprised 18 children from Zarja Kindergarten, a private institution in Kamnik. Both groups participated in the same physical activity, with assessments focusing on balance and mathematical knowledge. Children in the experimental group, who engaged in physical activities according to the PMD concept, were tested at the beginning, after every five activities, upon completion of all activities, and at the end of the study to evaluate the retention of acquired knowledge. Conversely, children in the control group, who participated in mathematics activities according to the traditional curriculum (1999), were tested at the beginning, after the completion of all activities, and at the end of the study for the same purpose. Data from both groups, obtained through physical testing, were analysed using the statistical program Excel. We calculated progress of the control and experimental groups in mathematical topics by determining the difference between the initial and final test results, which were obtained at the end of the experiment. Our findings suggest that the PMD concept activities, conducted three times a week, positively affect both overall progress in balance and the retention of mathematical knowledge compared to the traditional methods outlined in the Curriculum for Kindergartens (1999). Children in the experimental group demonstrated greater success in both areas. The analysis of individual tests indicated that, on average, knowledge retention differed between the two groups across all content areas, except for sorting.

Keywords:Play, movement, development, preschool child, balance, mathematics

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