
Droni s prvoosebnim pogledom
ID Kobal, Vid (Author), ID Kos, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na raziskovanje in analizo dronov s prvoosebnim pogledom. Cilj naloge je preučiti različne tehnične vidike dronov s prvoosebnim pogledom in testirati delovanje prvoosebnega digitalnega sistema v različnih pogojih. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo navedli kratek pregled zgodovine in razvoja tehnologij kvadrokopterjev in prvoosebnega pogleda. Analizirali smo trenutne tehnične rešitve digitalnih prvoosebnih sistemov, ki so na voljo na trgu. Predstavili smo ključne komponente dronov, vključno z okvirjem, motorji, regulatorjem hitrosti, krmilnikom letenja in prvoosebnim sistemom. V praktičnem delu smo testirali uporabo CaddxFPV Nebula Pro Vista zračne enote na dronu. Cilj je bil preveriti kakovost video signala pri različnih oddajnih močeh in ovirah. Rezultati testiranj so pokazali, da kakovost video signala in zakasnitev zelo variirata glede na oddajno moč, ovire, razdaljo in konfiguracijo anten. Na odprtih površinah brez ovir je bil signal stabilen do 1 km. Pri nižjih oddajnih močeh in v prisotnosti ovir, kot so stene in drevesa, pa se je kakovost signala hitro poslabšala. Usmerjene antene so izboljšale stabilnost signala in zmanjšale zakasnitev, vendar niso popolnoma odpravile težav z ovirami. Droni s prvoosebnim pogledom so se izkazali kot izjemno prilagodljivi in ponujajo širok spekter možnosti za različne aplikacije, kot so tekmovalno letenje, snemanje, raziskovanje in rekreativna uporaba. Pravilno razumevanje delovanja dronov in njihovih omejitev pa je ključno za varno in učinkovito uporabo. Piloti morajo znati prilagoditi letenje glede na specifike okolja, zmogljivosti opreme in ostale pogoje letenja.

Keywords:dron, kvadrokopter, FPV, prvoosebni pogled, dron FPV, sistem FPV, digitalen sistem FPV, video oddajnik, oddajna moč, video signal, bitni pretok, zakasnitev, antena, kamera
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160170 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:205114371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:First-person view drones
The thesis focuses on the research and analysis of first-person view drones. The aim of the thesis is to examine various technical aspects of first-person view drones and to test the performance of a digital first-person system under different conditions. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we first provided a brief historical and developmental overview of quadcopters and first-person view technologies. We analysed current technical solutions for digital first-person view systems available on the market. Finally, we presented the key components of drones, including the frame, motors, speed controller, flight controller, and first-person view system. In the practical part, we tested the use of the CaddxFPV Nebula Pro Vista air unit on a drone. Our aim was to test the quality of the video signal at different transmission power values and with various obstacles. The results showed that the quality of the video signal and latency greatly vary depending on the transmission power, obstacles, distance, and antenna configuration. In open areas where there were no obstacles, the signal remained stable up to 1 km. However, at lower transmission power values and with the presence of obstacles such as walls and trees, the signal quality quickly deteriorated. Directional antennas improved signal stability and reduced latency but did not completely eliminate issues caused by obstacles. First-person view drones have proven to be extremely versatile and offer a wide range of possibilities in their application, such as competitive flying, filming, exploration and recreational purposes. A proper understanding of the operation of drones and their limitations is crucial for safe and efficient use. Pilots must have the knowledge and skills to adjust their flying according to the specifics of the environment, equipment capabilities, and other flight conditions.

Keywords:drone, quadcopter, FPV, first-person view, FPV drone, FPV system, digital FPV system, video transmitter, transmission power, video signal, bit rate, latency, antenna, camera

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