
Doživljanje diskriminacije zaradi osebnih okoliščin med študenti
ID Požar, Nastja (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na diskriminacijo zaradi osebnih okoliščin med študenti. V teoretičnem delu sem pojasnila pojma diskriminacija in osebne okoliščine. Navedla sem oblike diskriminacije, ki se izvajajo, in vsako od teh na kratko opisala, nadaljevala pa sem z opisom pojavnih oblik diskriminacije. Predstavila sem tudi ugotovitve o tem, kako lahko tudi z diskurzom izvajamo diskriminacijo. Predstavila sem predsodke in stereotipe kot glavna razloga za izvajanje diskriminacije nad osebami z osebnimi okoliščinami ter opisala posledice, ki jih prinese diskriminacija, ter kakšna je zakonodaja na tem področju. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela sem pogledala še, kakšno diskriminacijo doživljajo študentje v svojem študijskem okolju. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila ugotovitve, do katerih sem prišla s kvalitativno raziskavo. Izvedla sem osem intervjujev na neslučajnostnem priročnem vzorcu. Vprašanja so bila povezana z opredelitvijo diskriminacije, izkušnjo diskriminacije, diskriminacijo v študijskem prostoru, izvajalci diskriminacije, vplivom diskriminacije na študijsko izkušnjo, prijavo diskriminacije in prispevki k zmanjševanju diskriminacije. Prišla sem do spoznanja, da je diskriminacija tako znotraj študijskega prostora kot na drugih področjih posameznikovega vsakdana zelo pogosta, saj so vsi udeleženci imeli izkušnjo diskriminacije. Ugotovila sem, da se nad študenti izvajajo različne oblike diskriminacije in da so tudi izvajalci zelo različni. Izkazalo se je, da so udeleženci raziskave razvili različne strategije za soočanje z diskriminacijo, kot so priprava na diskriminacijo, sprejetje odziva, psihološka predelava osebne okoliščine, sprejemanje situacije in zavedanje, da nimajo vpliva na to.

Keywords:diskriminacija, predsodki, stereotipi, študijski prostor, osebne okoliščine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160155 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Students' experiences of discrimination based on personal circumstances
In my graduation thesis I focused on discrimination based on personal circumstances among students. In the theoretical part, I explained the concepts of discrimination and personal circumstances. I listed the forms of discrimination that are practised and briefly described each one, and then went on to describe the manifestations of discrimination. I then presented my findings on how discrimination can also be practised through discourse. I presented prejudices and stereotypes as the main reasons for discrimination against people with personal circumstances, and described the consequences of discrimination and what the legislation is in this area. At the end of the theoretical part, I looked at the discrimination experienced by students in their study environment. In the empirical part, I presented the findings of my qualitative research. I conducted eight interviews with a non-randomised convenience sample. The questions were related to the definition of discrimination, experiences of discrimination, discrimination in the study environment, perpetrators of discrimination, the impact of discrimination on the study experience, reporting discrimination and contributions to reducing discrimination. I came to the conclusion that discrimination is very common both within the study environment and in other areas of an individual’s everyday life, as all participants had experienced discrimination. I found that different forms of discrimination are practised against students and that the perpetrators are also very different. It turned out that the participants in the study had developed different strategies to cope with discrimination, such as preparing for the discrimination, accepting the reaction, psychologically processing the personal circumstances, accepting the situation and realising that they had no control over it.

Keywords:discrimination, prejudices, stereotypes, study environment, personal circumstances

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