
Posledice nasilja v družini pri študentkah Fakultete za socialno delo
ID Dobaj, Larisa (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: AAE5DFE2C3B5292AB56D291715D22CE0

Diplomsko delo raziskuje posledice nasilja v družini pri študentkah fakultete za socialno delo. Družina naj bi bila toplo in spodbudno okolje, kjer lahko vedno najdemo ljubezen, razumevanje in podporo, še posebej v težkih časih. Vendar vedno ni tako. Člani družine imajo med seboj tudi posebne naloge ter odgovornosti in v primeru nasilja v družini so te odgovornosti pozabljene. Z nasiljem se človek dandanes srečuje na vseh področjih življenja. Med vrste nasilja spada tudi nasilje v družini, ki predstavlja velik problem v današnji družbi. Omenjeno nasilje pa ostaja v večini primerov skrito in se iz leta v leto stopnjuje. Raziskovanje posledic nasilja v družini, posebej nasilja v družini nasploh, je izjemno pomembno, saj gre za resen kompleksni problem, ki je prisoten v vseh družbah, slojih in časih. Klub vsemu temu se ne govori veliko o nasilju v družini, še manj pa o posledicah, ki jih imajo žrtve nasilja. Kot študentka socialnega dela, ki sem tudi sama izkusila nasilje v družini, me posebej zanima, kako nasilje vpliva na nas študentke, ki se bomo v prihodnosti pogosto soočale z nasiljem v družini v profesionalnih okoljih. Študentke socialnega dela smo pogosto na prvi bojni črti pri naslavljanju in obvladovanju te dolgotrajne problematike. Zato se bom v diplomskem delu osredotočila na ta nerešeni in neraziskani problem. V teoretičnem delu sprva predstavim, kaj je družina ter kakšne funkcije ima družina. V drugem delu teoretičnih osnov želim podati razumevanje nasilja in njegovih različnih pojavnih oblik, vključno z nasiljem v družini. Ker se zavedam, da nasilje v družini zajema več oblik nasilja, sem se sklicevala na literaturo, da bi predstavila celovit pregled vrst nasilja, s katerimi se žrtve lahko srečajo. Ker je za takšno vrsto nasilja značilna dinamika ponavljajočih se obdobij, tudi predstavim tako rekoč krog nasilja. Naloga se osredotoča predvsem na posledice nasilja v družini, zato sem poskrbela, da sem proti koncu obravnavala dejavnike nasilja in posledice. Poleg tega sem se na koncu posvetila zakonski ureditvi nasilja v družini. S pomočjo kvalitativne raziskave z delno standardiziranim intervjujem, opravljenim na priložnostnem vzorcu, ugotavljam posledice, ki jih imajo žrtve nasilja, natančneje študentke Fakultete za socialno delo. Moj vzorec je obsegal šest študentk Fakultete za socialno delo, ki imajo izkušnjo nasilja v družini. Ključne ugotovitve kvalitativne raziskave sem povezala z relevantno teorijo in tako opisala posledice nasilja v družini.

Keywords:Nasilje, družina, vrste nasilja, nasilje v družini, nasilje nad ženskami, mladostniki, zakonodaja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160154 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Consequences of domestic violence among students of the Faculty of Social Work
The thesis researches the consequences of domestic violence among students of the Faculty of Social Work. Family should be a warm and supportive environment where we can always find love, understanding and support, especially in difficult times, but it is not always like that. Family members also have special duties and responsibilities to each other, and in the event of domestic violence, these responsibilities are forgotten. Today, violence is present in all areas of life. Domestic violence is also a major problem in today’s society. In most cases, however, the violence remains hidden and is increasing year by year. Researching the consequences of domestic violence, especially domestic violence in general, is extremely important because it is a serious and complex problem that is present in all societies, layers and times. Not much is said about domestic violence, much less about the consequences for victims of violence. As a student of social work who has also experienced domestic violence, I am particularly interested in how violence affects us students, who will often face domestic violence in professional settings in the future. Students of social work are often on the front line in addressing and managing this long-standing problem. Therefore, in my thesis, I will focus on this unsolved and unresolved problem. In the theoretical part, I first explain what a family is and what functions a family has. In the second part of the theoretical foundations, I want to give an understanding of violence and its various forms, including domestic violence. Recognising that domestic violence encompasses several forms of violence, I have referred to the literature to present a comprehensive overview of the types of violence victims may encounter. Since this type of violence is characterized by the dynamics of repetitive periods, I also present the cycle of domestic violence. The assignment focuses primarily on the consequences of domestic violence, so I made sure to address the factors of violence and consequences towards the end. Finally, I focused on the legal regulation of domestic violence. With the help of a qualitative research with partially standardized interviews conducted on an occasional sample, I identify the consequences of the victims of violence, more specifically students of the Faculty of Social Work. My sample included six female students from the Faculty of Social Work who had experienced domestic violence. I linked the key findings of the qualitative research with the relevant theory and thus described the consequences of domestic violence.

Keywords:Violence, family, types of violence, domestic violence, violence against women, adolescents, legislation

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