
Tretja slovenska republika: Republika Slovenija (1991) : očrt slovenske republike – narodov državotvorni kanon : diplomsko delo
ID Pajtler, Janez M. (Author), ID Lukšič, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Iglič, Hajdeja (Comentor)

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Slovenci količimo začetek sodobne politične zgodovine na leto 1867 z decembrsko ustavo, ko sta se pri nas dokončno oblikovala dva politična tabora. Lastne državotvorne izkušnje so se izrazile ob robu treh velikih prelomov: najprej ob razpadu Avstro-Ogrske leta 1918 z Državo SHS, zatem med svetovno vojno leta 1941/45 z v nadaljevanju razvito Socialistično republiko Slovenijo (1974) ter ob lomu socialističnih režimov in Republiko Slovenijo leta 1991. Kot mlad narod se ob pomanjkanju lastnih slojev plemstva in meščanstva ne ponašamo z večstoletno državotvorno zgodovino, kar pa še ne takoj pomeni, da v zgodovini nismo posedovali pravotvorne sposobnosti in da smo bili le goli subjekt oblasti. Sodobne državotvorne izkušnje so se izrazile kot republikanske državne ureditve. Današnja republika že nakazuje na morebiten narodov državotvorni kanon, skozi katerega se izrisuje neusahljivo ustavno jedro, tj. prehajajoče idejno telo slovenske republike. Za danes je dopustna začasna ocena, predvsem v referenčne namene (državotvornega) zgodovinopisja in razbiranja avtonomnega jedra ustavnopravne snovi našega naroda, da je današnja slovenska republika že tretja. V morebitni prihodnosti pa bo današnja Republika Slovenija (1991) po kvalitativnem in formalnem merilu skoraj zagotovo opredeljena kot Prva republika.

Keywords:državotvornost slovenskega naroda, slovenska republika, Tretja slovenska republika, narodov državotvorni kanon, neusahljivo ustavno jedro
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. M. Pajtler
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (28 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160137 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206742531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Slovene Third Republic: Republic of Slovenia (1991)
Slovenes mark the beginning of modern political history with the year of 1867 and the so-called December constitution when two political camps were firmly established. Our own statehood experiences happened at the brink of three great breaks: firstly the dissolution of Austro-Hungary in 1918 into the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs, then with the World war in the years 1941/45 into the Socialist Republic of Slovenia (1974) and furthermore with the breaking of socialist regimes into The Republic of Slovenia in the year 1991. As a young nation, with a lack of its own layers of aristocracy and bourgeoise we do not carry a multi-centennial statehood history, but that does not immediately mean that in the past we did not possess autonomous lawmaking capacity and that we were a pure subject of government. Modern statehood experiences have expressed themselves as republican state forms. Today’s republic already points to a possible nations’ statehood canon, through which an idea of an indispensable constitutional core is emerging, a transcendent idea body of a Slovene Republic. For today it’s acceptable to provisionally note, especially for reference purposes of (statehood) history and autonomous core of the Slovene constitutional matter, that today’s republic is a third one. In a possible future, today's Republic of Slovenia (1991) will almost certainly be judged as a First republic by qualitative and formal metrics.

Keywords:statehood capacity of a Slovene nation, a Slovene Republic, Slovene Third Republic, nations statehood canon, indispensable constitutional core

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