
Psihosocialna pomoč in podpora bližnjim pri premagovanju stiske ob soočanju s samomorilnostjo mladih
ID Savčić, Sara (Author), ID Gril, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema moje raziskave je soočanje oseb s samomorilnostjo bližnje mlade osebe. V teoretičnem delu sem vsebino razdelila na pet sklopov, znotraj katerih sem predstavila različne opredelitve samomorilnosti, opredelila vzroke za samomorilnost mladih, opisala značilnosti procesa žalovanja in vlogo socialnega dela pri delu z žalujočimi, predstavila programe pomoči v Sloveniji, ki delajo z žalujočimi, ter opisala splošne predloge pomoči in podpore v procesu žalovanja. Sledi empirični del, kjer sem opredelila formulacijo problema in predstavila raziskovalna vprašanja. V raziskavi sem se osredotočila na proučevanje soočanja posameznikov s samomorilnostjo poznane osebe, potek procesa žalovanja, pomoč in podporo, ki so jo bližnje osebe prejemale, ter pomoč in podporo, ki bi jo osebe potrebovale, da bi lažje prebrodile izkušnjo. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo. Kot metodo zbiranja podatkov sem uporabila intervju, da bi pridobila čim podrobnejše podatke in opise doživljanja v procesu žalovanja bližnjih pri samomorilnosti mladih. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila tudi rezultate, razpravo in sklepe, do katerih sem prišla z intervjuvanjem sedmih bližnjih oseb (šestih z izkušnjo samomora in ene z izkušnjo poskusa samomora), ki so imele izkušnjo s samomorilnostjo mlade poznane osebe pred najmanj dvema letoma. Ugotovila sem, da so se intervjuvanci na različen, a vseeno precej podoben način soočali s samomorilnostjo. Na začetku dogodka niso mogli dojeti, zato so ga nekateri zanikali. Večina jih je želela biti obkrožena s prijatelji. Ob seznanitvi z dogodkom ter med procesom žalovanja so občutili celo paleto čustev in občutkov: žalost, jezo, krivdo, sram, dvom. Intervjuvanci so žalovali različno dolgo, in sicer od dveh do osemnajst mesecev. Med procesom žalovanja so si posamezniki pomagali na različne načine. Pri lažjem soočanju z bolečino sta jim najbolj v pomoč pogovor s prijatelji in izražanje čustev skozi umetnost (pisanje dnevnika, pisanje pesmi in slikanje). Od sedmih intervjuvancev je samo ena intervjuvanka po dogodku poiskala strokovno pomoč. Kot podporo, ki bi jo še potrebovali za lažje soočanje z izkušnjo samomorilnosti bližnje osebe, so intervjuvanci omenili strokovno podporo, skupino za samopomoč ter obisk strokovnega delavca v šoli in delavnice na temo samomorilnosti. Raziskavo sem zaključila s predlogi na področjih zdravstva in izobraževanja, z napotki družini in prijateljem osebe, ki se sooča z izkušnjo samomorilnosti bližnje osebe, ter ozaveščanjem širše javnosti o samomorilnosti ter pomoči in podpori za bližnje osebe.

Keywords:samomorilnost, proces žalovanja, pomoč in podpora, socialno delo in samomorilnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Psychosocial support and assistance to loved ones in overcoming distress when dealing with youth suicide
The topic of my research is the coping of individuals with the suicidality of a young person close to them. In the theoretical part, I divided the content into five sections, within which I presented various presented various definitions of suicidality, defined the causes of suicidality among young people, described the characteristics of the grieving process and the role of social work in working with the grieving, presented aid programs in Slovenia that work with bereaved and described general suggestions for help and support in the grieving process. Theoretical part is followed by the empirical part, where I defined the formulation of the problem and presented the recearch questions. In the research, I focused on how individuals coped with the suicidality of a loved one, the course of the grieving process, the help and support that individuals received, and the help and support they would need in order to get through the experience more easily. I conducted a qualitative research. As a data collection method, I used interviews, as I wanted to obtain the most detailed information and description of the experiences and procedures of the grieving process of those who were close to young people who have committed suicide or had a suicide attempt. In the empirical part, I also presented the results, discussion, and conclusions derived from interviewing seven loved ones (six with the experience of suicide and one with the experience of a suicide attempt) who had experienced the suicidality of a known young person at least two years ago. I found that the interviewees coped with suicidality in different, yet quite similar ways. At the beginning of the suicidality, they could not comprehend it, so some coped by denying it. Most of them wanted to be surrounded by friends. Upon learning about the event and during the grieving process, they experienced a whole range of emotions and feelings: sadness, anger, guilt, shame, doubt. The interviewees grieved for different lengths of time, ranging from two to eighteen months. During the grieving process, individuals helped themselves in different ways. The most effective in easing the pain was talking to friends and expressing emotions through art (keeping a diary, writing poems, and painting). Of the seven interviewees, only one sought professional help after the event. As additional support they would need to better cope with the experience, the interviewees mentioned professional support, a self-help group, a visit of a professional worker to the school and workshops on the topic of suicidality. I concluded the research with suggestions in the fields of healthcare and education, with guidelines for the family and friends of a person coping with the experience of a close person's suicidality, and with raising awareness among the general public about suicidality and the help and support for loved ones.

Keywords:suicidality, grieving process, help and support, suicidality and social work

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