
Določanje sklopitve med skalirnim faktorjem in maso črne luknje zvezdne mase
ID Mlinar, Ema (Author), ID Zwitter, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Idejo črne luknje poznamo že kar nekaj časa, vendar pa so te šele pred kratkim dosegle tudi opazovalno področje, ko so postale dosegljive številne nove metode opazovanja. Kljub temu, da je v znanosti splošno sprejet model singularne črne luknje, pa obstajajo različne alternative. Glavni problem pri razlikovanju je, da večinoma napovedujejo enake opazljivke v zunanjosti črne luknje, ki ostaja edino območje, ki ga lahko raziskujemo. Leto nazaj je skupina astronomov napovedala novo možnost za razlikovanje med temi črnimi luknjami, nesingularne naj bi rasle v masi s širjenjem vesolja. Cilj te magistrske naloge je preveriti to hipotezo s pomočjo opazovalnih podatkov. V ta namen smo uporabili rentgenske dvojnice, ki so idealni objekti za preučevanje lastnosti kot sta masa in starost črne luknje. V tem delu ključno uporabimo ti dve lastnosti za določanje sklopitve med maso in skalirnim faktorjem s pomočjo dveh različnih pristopov. V prvem pristopu preverimo, katere potence sklopitve so skladne s pogojem, da so črne luknje nastale nad Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limito. Ta meja naj bi predstavljala najmanjšo maso črne luknje, ki bi lahko nastala s kolapsom zvezde ob koncu njene življenjske dobe. V drugem pristopu to omejitev ignoriramo in raje primerjamo razporeditev mas mladih črnih lukenj, ki v svoji kratki življenjski dobi niso mogle bistveno zrasti, z razporeditvijo mas črnih lukenj ob njihovem nastanku, kar lahko določimo s pomočjo mas in starosti starih črnih lukenj ob predpostavki določene potence sklopitve. Rezultati obeh metod se ujemajo in kažejo, da najverjetneje nimamo sklopitve med maso črne luknje in širjenjem vesolja. Zaključimo torej lahko, da so naši rezultati bolj skladni s singularnimi črnimi luknjami kot z nesingularnimi.

Keywords:črne luknje, kozmologija, kozmološka sklopitev, rentgentske dvojnice, Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limita
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160086 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206382851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.08.2024
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Title:Determining the coupling between scale factor and mass for stellar-mass black holes
Black holes have been known for quite a long time, but they recently became a field of observational interest especially because numerous observational methods became possible. Although there exists a well-established model of a singular black hole, there are various other alternatives. The major problem is that they mostly predict the same observables in the exterior of the black hole, which is the only testable area. A year ago, a new prediction about observable quantity was published, namely that nonsingular black holes could grow in mass with the universe's expansion. The goal of this master thesis is to test this hypothesis with observational data. To do so we consider X-ray binaries, which are ideal objects to study quantities such as the mass and the age of a black hole. Here we crucially use these two quantities to determine the coupling between mass and the scale factor, performing two different approaches. In the first approach, we check which coupling powers are compatible with black holes formed above the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit. This limit is referred to as the smallest mass of the black hole that can be formed with the collapse of the star at the end of its lifetime. In the second approach we ignore this limit and compare the distribution of masses of young black holes, that couldn't grow much in their short lifetime, with the distribution of masses of black holes at their formation, which can be obtained using the mass and the age of older black holes assuming certain power of coupling. Results using both methods are consistent and show that there is most probably no coupling between the mass of a black hole and the expansion of the universe. We can therefore conclude that our results prefer singular black holes over nonsingular ones.

Keywords:black holes, cosmology, cosmological growth, X-ray binaries, Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit

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