Economic development leads to ever higher consumption of different materials, one of which is the paper. That is the reason for increased demand for wood, which is one of the most important raw materials in the world. More and more wood is obtained from the artificially formed plantations, which conserve natural forests. The most extensive poplar plantations in Slovenia are in the region Brežice-Krško. The formations started in the nineteen fifties because of the demand of then paper factory Tovarna papirja Krško. Formation and maintenance of the plantations was always run by company Gozdno gospodarstvo Brežice and after 1992 it was taken over by HPG Brežice. The objectives of thethesis are 1) to analyse the current situation of the poplar plantations; 2) to determine the possibilities of the further management of the poplar plantations and 3) to determine the effect of the forecasted interventions in the area on the extent of the management.