
Bionomija marmorirane smrdljivke (Halyomorpha halys [Stål], Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) v zahodni Sloveniji
ID Rot, Mojca (Author), ID Trdan, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni namen naše raziskave je bil preučiti biologijo in sezonsko dinamiko marmorirane smrdljivke (Halyomorpha halys [Stål]) pod vplivom biotskih in abiotskih dejavnikov okolja v zahodni Sloveniji. V letih 2019 – 2021 smo v polpoljskem poskusu na lokaciji Kromberk preučevali biološke parametre vrste. V istem obdobju smo v treh intenzivnih nasadih jablane (Malus domestica [Suckow] Borkh.) na Goriškem spremljali sezonsko dinamiko škodljivca z uporabo lepljivih pasti Pherocon® Dual Panel Adhesive Traps (Trece Inc.) in piramidnih pasti Rescue® Stink Bug Traps, opremljenih s feromonskim privabilom proizvajalca Trécé. Poleg tega smo izvedli tudi dveletno raziskavo domorodnih jajčnih parazitoidov marmorirane smrdljivke. V treh zaporednih letih je stenica na območju Goriške razvila dva prekrivajoča se rodova, z visokimi neto stopnjami reprodukcije, ki so potrjevale rastoče populacije. Selitev stenic iz zimskih zatočišč se je začela konec marca. Prvi rod odraslih se je začel pojavljati sredi julija, drugi pa sredi septembra. Nimfe so se pojavljale od sredine junija do konca oktobra. Piramidne pasti so bile bistveno bolj učinkovite od lepljivih pri lovljenju odraslih stenic in nimf. Ulovi stenic so bili največji v sadovnjaku na lokaciji Šempeter pri Gorici, na območju z veliko krajinsko pestrostjo in velikim deležem urbanih zemljišč. Vremenske razmere so pomembno vplivale na sezonsko dinamiko marmorirane smrdljivke, pri tem sta bili temperatura in relativna zračna vlaga ključna dejavnika rasti populacije škodljivca. Na širšem območju Goriške smo odkrili štiri vrste domorodnih parazitoidov: Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy), Telenomus sp., Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston), Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev, 1904) ter tujerodno vrsto Trissolcus mitsukurii (Ashmead), ki so bile sposobne parazitirati jajčeca marmorirane smrdljivke. Vse naštete vrste parazitoidov so bile prvič najdene v Sloveniji. Najštevilčnejši je bil parazitoid A. bifasciatus, ki je prevladoval v mestnih in primestnih območjih, sledil mu je tujerodni parazitoid T. mitsukurii, ki je bil najštevilčnejše zastopan na kmetijskih območjih. Povprečna stopnja parazitiranosti je v letih 2019 in 2020 znašala 3,0 oz. 14,4 %.

Keywords:Halyomorpha halys, marmorirana smrdljivka, fenologija, temperaturni pogoji, voltinizem, tablice umrljivosti, invazivna vrsta, sezonska dinamika, feromonske pasti, krajinska pestrost, biotično varstvo, jajčni parazitoidi, Anastatus, Trissolcus
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159998 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:203915779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.08.2024
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Title:Bionomics of marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys [Stål], Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) in western Slovenia
The main objective of our research was to investigate the biology and seasonal dynamics of the brown marbled stink bug (Halyomorpha halys [Stål]) in Westeren Slovenia, driven by biotic and abiotic factors. Over the period 2019-2021 the biological parameters of the species were studied in the semi-field experiment at Kromberk (Nova Gorica). During the same period, we followed the seasonal population dynamics of H. halys in three apple orchards (Malus domestica [Suckow] Borkh.) in the Goriška region using Pherocon® Dual Panel Adhesive Traps (Trece Inc.) and pyramidal Rescue® Stink Bug Traps, both baited with Trécé lures. Furthermore, a two-year field survey of native stink bug egg parasitoids was conducted. In Goriška region, H. halys developed two overlapping generations/year with high net reproductive rates for 3 consecutive years. The migration of H. halys adults from overwintering shelters started at the end of March. The first-generation adults emerged in mid-July, and the second-generation adults in mid-September. Nymphs occurred from mid-June to the end of October. Pyramidal traps were more effective than clear sticky traps; they caught notably more both adults and nymphs. Halyomorpha halys adult trap captures were higher in the Šempeter orchard, within the area of great landscape diversity and a large share of urban land. The seasonal dynamics of H. halys was closely related to weather conditions, with temperature and relative humidity as the major factors affecting population growth. Four native egg-parasitoid species Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy), Telenomus sp., Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) and Ooencyrtus telenomicida (Vassiliev, 1904) were found in the wider area of the Goriška region, and one non-native species Trissolcus mitsukurii (Ashmead). All of them were able to parasitize H. halys eggs and all of them are new records for Slovenia. Overall parasitism rates of naturally laid eggs by the parasitoid species complex in 2019 and 2020 were 3.0 and 14.4 %, respectively.

Keywords:Halyomorpha halys, brown marmorated stink bug, phenology, temperature requirements, voltinism, life table, invasive species, population dynamics, pheromone trap, landscape diversity, biological control, egg parasitoids, Anastatus, Trissolcus

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